ElixirCLE / pairmotron

Programming Pair Pairifier
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elixir guardian phoenix


Build Status

Pairmotron is an app powered by Phoenix that randomly pairs up users within groups on a weekly basis to work on a project or just write some code!

Local Installation


Running it

Developing and Testing with Docker

Using this model of development allows you to not install anything other than docker.

Running it

Run the Tests in Docker

Check it out in a browser

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Deploy to Production

Ready to run in production?

Environment Variables to set

JWT Key Configuration

Pairmotron uses the ES512 algorithm to generate JSON Web Tokens. You will need to generate a key and set the appropriate environment variables.

To generate a key do the following from the root pairmotron directory:

iex -S mix

iex> JOSE.JWK.generate_key({:ec, "P-521"}) |> JOSE.JWK.to_map
{%{kty: :jose_jwk_kty_ec},
 %{"crv" => "P-521",
   "d" => "Ae-wdbGhjfpxapevgJDAxaiGHmKYoyWnYDLeAb9jALSBNBzkyelSL-FUHcdFw1B7V2FvPy3YaHEkrVqwPwBwNvLP",
   "kty" => "EC",
   "x" => "AWFw34kJJaT8Lwew8IG4LcDDr8sMcURn4PhUWMBiMW5vGGonteVvZQAVdW652GFOY9z1nlhymKYXBwNy3PHlz9Z_",
   "y" => "APLY5Rww4oI1fhUI7JrIkmHPymzgpGOKsNXHhxoMJDycdoQPWfaimoOX-afOHoJiGWwh2m_EbTSC-4lC4Cz0uzPk"}}

And then set the following environment variables: