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Livecoding intro to GenServer: Optimizing for a Leaky Bucket (ex. Shopify) API #11

Open maxneuvians opened 7 years ago

maxneuvians commented 7 years ago

I would like to do a small intro to GenServer and also GenStage to solve a real world problem. Using GenServer I will build a Leaky Bucket API emulator and the use GenStage to optimize the requests against the API. The real world problem I was solving was making sure I was maxing out my requests against the Shopify API.

The code is short enough to do it live, which might be a nice opportunity to give an intro to how GenServer works.

drozzy commented 6 years ago

Cool, how much GenStage are you going to show? I am interested in GenStage, as there is no equivalent in erlang.

maxneuvians commented 6 years ago

We had a good talk in April on GenStage. The focus of this talk would be to just show people what GenServer is and how to implement one. We are finding that a lot of people are still interested in learning basics around Elixir (ex. syntax, common idioms, etc.) I would probably just show what GenStage can do in that context. The discussion afterwards is pretty free flow so if people wanted to talk about GenStage in depth after the presentation we could probably get that going.

maxneuvians commented 6 years ago

Scheduled for July 24th