EloiStree / 2024_05_23_HelloStreamDeckGirleek

In the context of Girleek and a QA testing workshop. We are going to learn how to remote control game with code in a steam deck hub way.
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2024_05_24: Wow et Cheat Engine #7

Open EloiStree opened 1 month ago

EloiStree commented 1 month ago

Exercice 1.A:

Exercice 1.B:

Exercice 2:

Alternative à l'exercice 2:

LUA fan:

EloiStree commented 1 month ago

Some Link:

EloiStree commented 1 month ago




Selenimum to detect bot:

Wow Botting in python:

Wow Addons et LUA:

Read wow memory: https://github.com/EloiStree/2023_12_31_ReadMemoryOfWow.git

Import Weak Aura example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EloiStree/2023_12_26_WowBottingFromPython/main/LUA/WeakAuraImport/2024_01_16_DataPicking.txt

Start position Wow Alliance: https://github.com/EloiStree/HelloWarcraftQAXR/issues/13

import ctypes

# Define the process ID
process_id = 0x000424c

# Define the memory address
address = ctypes.c_void_p(0x1EB43923320)

# Open the process
process_handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, False, process_id)

# Read the float value from the memory address
value = ctypes.c_float()

ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(process_handle, address, ctypes.byref(value), ctypes.sizeof(value), None)

# Close the process handle

# Print the value
EloiStree commented 1 month ago

Lol :) Pas voulu. image