Elspex / skidfest

A krunker.io hack
4 stars 9 forks source link

Not Working. #3

Closed yerboinikk closed 3 years ago

yerboinikk commented 3 years ago

With update 3.5.2 whenever you try to load in it comes up with update the client. If you click off of the client update you still cannot connect to any servers. I really like this mod and would love to see it work again. Thanks

Elspex commented 3 years ago

Sorry about that. The hack has been fixed and a new script has been uploaded. Or you can just use the script on tampermonkey below. Thanks for using my hack!

// ==UserScript== // @name Krunker SkidFest // @description A full featured Mod menu for game Krunker.io! // @version 2.19 // @author SkidLamer - From The Gaming Gurus // @supportURL https://discord.gg/AJFXXACdrF // @homepage https://skidlamer.github.io/ // @iconURL https://i.imgur.com/MqW6Ufx.png // @match ://krunker.io/ // @exclude ://krunker.io/editor // @exclude ://krunker.io/social // @updateURL https://skidlamer.github.io/js/Skidfest.user.js // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript==

/ eslint-env es6 / / eslint-disable no-caller, no-undef, no-loop-func /

var CRC2d = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype; var skid, skidStr = [...Array(8)].map(_ => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[~~(Math.random()*52)]).join('');

class Skid { constructor() { skid = this; this.downKeys = new Set(); this.settings = null; this.vars = {}; this.playerMaps = []; this.skinCache = {}; this.inputFrame = 0; this.renderFrame = 0; this.fps = 0; this.lists = { renderESP: { off: "Off", walls: "Walls", twoD: "2d", full: "Full" }, renderChams: { off: "Off", white: "White", blue: "Blue", teal: "Teal", purple: "Purple", green: "Green", yellow: "Yellow", red: "Red", }, autoBhop: { off: "Off", autoJump: "Auto Jump", keyJump: "Key Jump", autoSlide: "Auto Slide", keySlide: "Key Slide" }, autoAim: { off: "Off", correction: "Aim Correction", assist: "Legit Aim Assist", easyassist: "Easy Aim Assist", silent: "Silent Aim", trigger: "Trigger Bot", quickScope: "Quick Scope" }, audioStreams: { off: 'Off', _2000s: 'General German/English', _HipHopRNB: 'Hip Hop / RNB', _Oldskool: 'Hip Hop Oldskool', _Country: 'Country', _Pop: 'Pop', _Dance: 'Dance', _Dubstep: 'DubStep', _Lowfi: 'LoFi HipHop', _Jazz: 'Jazz', _Oldies: 'Golden Oldies', _Club: 'Club', _Folk: 'Folk', _ClassicRock: 'Classic Rock', _Metal: 'Heavy Metal', _DeathMetal: 'Death Metal', _Classical: 'Classical', Alternative: 'Alternative', }, } this.consts = { twoPI: Math.PI 2, halfPI: Math.PI / 2, playerHeight: 11, cameraHeight: 1.5, headScale: 2, armScale: 1.3, armInset: 0.1, chestWidth: 2.6, hitBoxPad: 1, crouchDst: 3, recoilMlt: 0.3, nameOffset: 0.6, nameOffsetHat: 0.8, }; this.key = { frame: 0, delta: 1, xdir: 2, ydir: 3, moveDir: 4, shoot: 5, scope: 6, jump: 7, reload: 8, crouch: 9, weaponScroll: 10, weaponSwap: 11, moveLock: 12 }; this.css = { noTextShadows: `, .button.small, .bigShadowT { text-shadow: none !important; }, hideAdverts:#aMerger, #endAMerger { display: none !important }, hideSocials:.headerBarRight > .verticalSeparator, .imageButton { display: none }, cookieButton:#onetrust-consent-sdk { display: none !important }, newsHolder:#newsHolder { display: none !important }`, }; this.isProxy = Symbol("isProxy"); this.spinTimer = 1800; let wait = setInterval( => { this.head = document.head||document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] if (this.head) { clearInterval(wait); Object.entries(this.css).forEach(entry => { this.css[entry[0]] = this.createElement("style", entry[1]); }) this.onLoad(); } }, 100); } canStore() { return this.isDefined(Storage); }

saveVal(name, val) {
    if (this.canStore()) localStorage.setItem("kro_utilities_"+name, val);

deleteVal(name) {
    if (this.canStore()) localStorage.removeItem("kro_utilities_"+name);

getSavedVal(name) {
    if (this.canStore()) return localStorage.getItem("kro_utilities_"+name);
    return null;

isType(item, type) {
    return typeof item === type;

isDefined(object) {
    return !this.isType(object, "undefined") && object !== null;

isNative(fn) {
    return (/^function\s*[a-z0-9_\$]*\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/i).test('' + fn)

getStatic(s, d) {
    return this.isDefined(s) ? s : d

crossDomain(url) {
    return "https://crossorigin.me/" + url;

async waitFor(test, timeout_ms = 20000, doWhile = null) {
    let sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        if (typeof timeout_ms != "number") reject("Timeout argument not a number in waitFor(selector, timeout_ms)");
        let result, freq = 100;
        while (result === undefined || result === false || result === null || result.length === 0) {
            if (doWhile && doWhile instanceof Function) doWhile();
            if (timeout_ms % 1000 < freq) console.log("waiting for: ", test);
            if ((timeout_ms -= freq) < 0) {
                console.log( "Timeout : ", test );
            await sleep(freq);
            result = typeof test === "string" ? Function(test)() : test();
        console.log("Passed : ", test);

createSettings() {
    this.settings = {
        showSkidBtn: {
            pre: "<div class='setHed'>Rendering</div>",
            name: "Show Skid Button",
            val: true,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "showSkidBtn", this),
            set: (value, init) => {
                let button = document.getElementById("mainButton");
                if (!button) {
                    button = this.createButton("5k1D", "https://i.imgur.com/1tWAEJx.gif", this.toggleMenu, value)
                } else button.style.display = value ? "inherit" : "none";
        hideAdverts: {
            name: "Hide Advertisments",
            val: true,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideAdverts", this),
            set: (value, init) => {
                if (value) this.head.appendChild(this.css.hideAdverts)
                else if (!init) this.css.hideAdverts.remove()
        hideStreams: {
            name: "Hide Streams",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideStreams", this),
            set: (value) => { window.streamContainer.style.display = value ? "none" : "inherit" }
        hideMerch: {
            name: "Hide Merch",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideMerch", this),
            set: value => { window.merchHolder.style.display = value ? "none" : "inherit" }
        hideNewsConsole: {
            name: "Hide News Console",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideNewsConsole", this),
            set: value => { window.newsHolder.style.display = value ? "none" : "inherit" }
        hideCookieButton: {
            name: "Hide Security Manage Button",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideCookieButton", this),
            set: value => { window['onetrust-consent-sdk'].style.display = value ? "none" : "inherit" }
        noTextShadows: {
            name: "Remove Text Shadows",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "noTextShadows", this),
            set: (value, init) => {
                if (value) this.head.appendChild(this.css.noTextShadows)
                else if (!init) this.css.noTextShadows.remove()
        customCSS: {
            name: "Custom CSS",
            val: "",
            html: () => this.generateSetting("url", "customCSS", "URL to CSS file"),
            resources: { css: document.createElement("link") },
            set: (value, init) => {
                if (value.startsWith("http")&&value.endsWith(".css")) {
                    //let proxy = 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/';
                    this.settings.customCSS.resources.css.href = value
                if (init) {
                    this.settings.customCSS.resources.css.rel = "stylesheet"
                    try {
                    } catch(e) {
                        this.settings.customCSS.resources.css = null
        renderESP: {
            name: "Player ESP Type",
            val: "off",
            html: () =>
            this.generateSetting("select", "renderESP", this.lists.renderESP),
        renderTracers: {
            name: "Player Tracers",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "renderTracers"),
        rainbowColor: {
            name: "Rainbow ESP",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "rainbowColor"),
        renderChams: {
            name: "Player Chams",
            val: "off",
            html: () =>
        renderWireFrame: {
            name: "Player Wireframe",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "renderWireFrame"),
        customBillboard: {
            name: "Custom Billboard Text",
            val: "",
            html: () =>
                "Custom Billboard Text"
        autoReload: {
            pre: "<br><div class='setHed'>Weapon</div>",
            name: "Auto Reload",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoReload"),
        autoAim: {
            name: "Auto Aim Type",
            val: "off",
            html: () =>
            this.generateSetting("select", "autoAim", this.lists.autoAim),
        frustrumCheck: {
            name: "Line of Sight Check",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "frustrumCheck"),
        wallPenetrate: {
            name: "Aim through Penetratables",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "wallPenetrate"),
        weaponZoom: {
            name: "Weapon Zoom",
            val: 1.0,
            min: 0,
            max: 50.0,
            step: 0.01,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("slider", "weaponZoom"),
            set: (value) => { if (this.renderer) this.renderer.adsFovMlt = value;}
        weaponTrails: {
            name: "Weapon Trails",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "weaponTrails"),
            set: (value) => { if (this.me) this.me.weapon.trail = value;}
        autoBhop: {
            pre: "<br><div class='setHed'>Player</div>",
            name: "Auto Bhop Type",
            val: "off",
            html: () => this.generateSetting("select", "autoBhop", this.lists.autoBhop),
        thirdPerson: {
            name: "Third Person",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "thirdPerson"),
            set: (value, init) => {
                if (value) this.thirdPerson = 1;
                else if (!init) this.thirdPerson = undefined;
        skinUnlock: {
            name: "Unlock Skins",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "skinUnlock", this),
        disableWpnSnd: {
            pre: "<br><div class='setHed'>GamePlay</div>",
            name: "Disable Players Weapon Sounds",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "disableWpnSnd", this),
        disableHckSnd: {
            name: "Disable Hacker Fart Sounds",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "disableHckSnd", this),
        autoActivateNuke: {
            name: "Auto Activate Nuke",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoActivateNuke", this),
        autoFindNew: {
            name: "New Lobby Finder",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoFindNew", this),
        autoClick: {
            name: "Auto Start Game",
            val: false,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoClick", this),
        inActivity: {
            name: "No InActivity Kick",
            val: true,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoClick", this),
        //Radio Stream Player
        playStream: {
            pre: "<br><div class='setHed'>Radio Stream Player</div>",
            name: "Stream Select",
            val: "off",
            html: () => this.generateSetting("select", "playStream", this.lists.audioStreams),
            set: (value) => {
                if (value == "off") {
                    if ( this.settings.playStream.audio ) {
                        this.settings.playStream.audio.currentTime = 0;
                        this.settings.playStream.audio = null;
                let url = this.settings.playStream.urls[value];
                if (!this.settings.playStream.audio) {
                    this.settings.playStream.audio = new Audio(url);
                    this.settings.playStream.audio.volume = this.settings.audioVolume.val||0.5
                } else {
                    this.settings.playStream.audio.src = url;
            urls: {
                _2000s: 'http://0n-2000s.radionetz.de/0n-2000s.aac',
                _HipHopRNB: 'https://stream-mixtape-geo.ntslive.net/mixtape2',
                _Country: 'https://live.wostreaming.net/direct/wboc-waaifmmp3-ibc2',
                _Dance: 'http://streaming.radionomy.com/A-RADIO-TOP-40',
                _Pop: 'http://bigrradio.cdnstream1.com/5106_128',
                _Jazz: 'http://strm112.1.fm/ajazz_mobile_mp3',
                _Oldies: 'http://strm112.1.fm/60s_70s_mobile_mp3',
                _Club: 'http://strm112.1.fm/club_mobile_mp3',
                _Folk: 'https://freshgrass.streamguys1.com/irish-128mp3',
                _ClassicRock: 'http://1a-classicrock.radionetz.de/1a-classicrock.mp3',
                _Metal: 'http://streams.radiobob.de/metalcore/mp3-192',
                _DeathMetal: 'http://stream.laut.fm/beatdownx',
                _Classical: 'http://live-radio01.mediahubaustralia.com/FM2W/aac/',
                _Alternative: 'http://bigrradio.cdnstream1.com/5187_128',
                _Dubstep: 'http://streaming.radionomy.com/R1Dubstep?lang=en',
                _Lowfi: 'http://streams.fluxfm.de/Chillhop/mp3-256',
                _Oldskool: 'http://streams.90s90s.de/hiphop/mp3-128/',
            audio: null,
        audioVolume: {
            name: "Radio Volume",
            val: 0.5,
            min: 0,
            max: 1,
            step: 0.01,
            html: () => this.generateSetting("slider", "audioVolume"),
            set: (value) => { if (this.settings.playStream.audio) this.settings.playStream.audio.volume = value;}

    // Inject Html
    let waitForWindows = setInterval(_ => {
        if (window.windows) {
            const menu = window.windows[11];
            menu.header = "Settings";
            menu.gen = _ => {
                var tmpHTML = `<div style='text-align:center'> <a onclick='window.open("https://skidlamer.github.io/")' class='menuLink'>SkidFest Settings</center></a> <hr> </div>`;
                for (const key in this.settings) {
                    if (this.settings[key].pre) tmpHTML += this.settings[key].pre;
                    tmpHTML += "<div class='settName' id='" + key + "_div' style='display:" + (this.settings[key].hide ? 'none' : 'block') + "'>" + this.settings[key].name +
                        " " + this.settings[key].html() + "</div>";
                tmpHTML += `<br><hr><a onclick='${skidStr}.resetSettings()' class='menuLink'>Reset Settings</a> | <a onclick='${skidStr}.saveScript()' class='menuLink'>Save GameScript</a>`
                return tmpHTML;
            //this.createButton("5k1D", "https://i.imgur.com/1tWAEJx.gif", this.toggleMenu)
    }, 100);

    // setupSettings
    for (const key in this.settings) {
        this.settings[key].def = this.settings[key].val;
        if (!this.settings[key].disabled) {
            let tmpVal = this.getSavedVal(key);
            this.settings[key].val = tmpVal !== null ? tmpVal : this.settings[key].val;
            if (this.settings[key].val == "false") this.settings[key].val = false;
            if (this.settings[key].val == "true") this.settings[key].val = true;
            if (this.settings[key].val == "undefined") this.settings[key].val = this.settings[key].def;
            if (this.settings[key].set) this.settings[key].set(this.settings[key].val, true);

generateSetting(type, name, extra) {
    switch (type) {
        case 'checkbox':
            return `<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" onclick="${skidStr}.setSetting('${name}', this.checked)" ${this.settings[name].val ? 'checked' : ''}><span class="slider"></span></label>`;
        case 'slider':
            return `<span class='sliderVal' id='slid_utilities_${name}'>${this.settings[name].val}</span><div class='slidecontainer'><input type='range' min='${this.settings[name].min}' max='${this.settings[name].max}' step='${this.settings[name].step}' value='${this.settings[name].val}' class='sliderM' oninput="${skidStr}.setSetting('${name}', this.value)"></div>`
            case 'select': {
                let temp = `<select onchange="${skidStr}.setSetting(\x27${name}\x27, this.value)" class="inputGrey2">`;
                for (let option in extra) {
                    temp += '<option value="' + option + '" ' + (option == this.settings[name].val ? 'selected' : '') + '>' + extra[option] + '</option>';
                temp += '</select>';
                return temp;
            return `<input type="${type}" name="${type}" id="slid_utilities_${name}"\n${'color' == type ? 'style="float:right;margin-top:5px"' : `class="inputGrey2" placeholder="${extra}"`}\nvalue="${this.settings[name].val}" oninput="${skidStr}.setSetting(\x27${name}\x27, this.value)"/>`;

resetSettings() {
    if (confirm("Are you sure you want to reset all your settings? This will also refresh the page")) {
        Object.keys(localStorage).filter(x => x.includes("kro_utilities_")).forEach(x => localStorage.removeItem(x));

setSetting(t, e) {
    this.settings[t].val = e;
    this.saveVal(t, e);
    if (document.getElementById(`slid_utilities_${t}`)) document.getElementById(`slid_utilities_${t}`).innerHTML = e;
    if (this.settings[t].set) this.settings[t].set(e);

createObserver(elm, check, callback, onshow = true) {
    return new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
        if (check == 'src' || onshow && mutationsList[0].target.style.display == 'block' || !onshow) {
    }).observe(elm, check == 'childList' ? {childList: true} : {attributes: true, attributeFilter: [check]});

createListener(elm, type, callback = null) {
    if (!this.isDefined(elm)) {
        alert("Failed creating " + type + "listener");
    elm.addEventListener(type, event => callback(event));

createElement(element, attribute, inner) {
    if (!this.isDefined(element)) {
        return null;
    if (!this.isDefined(inner)) {
        inner = "";
    let el = document.createElement(element);
    if (this.isType(attribute, 'object')) {
        for (let key in attribute) {
            el.setAttribute(key, attribute[key]);
    if (!Array.isArray(inner)) {
        inner = [inner];
    for (let i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
        if (inner[i].tagName) {
        } else {
    return el;

createButton(name, iconURL, fn, visible) {
    visible = visible ? "inherit":"none";
    let menu = document.querySelector("#menuItemContainer");
    let icon = this.createElement("div",{"class":"menuItemIcon", "style":`background-image:url("${iconURL}");display:inherit;`});
    let title= this.createElement("div",{"class":"menuItemTitle", "style":`display:inherit;`}, name);
    let host = this.createElement("div",{"id":"mainButton", "class":"menuItem", "onmouseenter":"playTick()", "onclick":"showWindow(12)", "style":`display:${visible};`},[icon, title]);
    if (menu) menu.append(host)

objectHas(obj, arr) {
    return arr.some(prop => obj.hasOwnProperty(prop));

getVersion() {
    const elems = document.getElementsByClassName('terms');
    const version = elems[elems.length - 1].innerText;
    return version;

saveAs(name, data) {
    let blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain'});
    let el = window.document.createElement("a");
    el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    el.download = name;

saveScript() {
    this.fetchScript().then(script => {
        this.saveAs("game_" + this.getVersion() + ".js", script)

isKeyDown(key) {
    return this.downKeys.has(key);

simulateKey(keyCode) {
    var oEvent = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent');
    // Chromium Hack
    Object.defineProperty(oEvent, 'keyCode', {
        get : function() {
            return this.keyCodeVal;
    Object.defineProperty(oEvent, 'which', {
        get : function() {
            return this.keyCodeVal;

    if (oEvent.initKeyboardEvent) {
        oEvent.initKeyboardEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView, keyCode, keyCode, "", "", false, "");
    } else {
        oEvent.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView, false, false, false, false, keyCode, 0);

    oEvent.keyCodeVal = keyCode;

    if (oEvent.keyCode !== keyCode) {
        alert("keyCode mismatch " + oEvent.keyCode + "(" + oEvent.which + ")");


toggleMenu() {
    let lock = document.pointerLockElement || document.mozPointerLockElement;
    if (lock) document.exitPointerLock();
    if (this.isDefined(window.SOUND)) window.SOUND.play(`tick_0`,0.1)

onLoad() {


    this.waitFor(_=>this.isDefined(this.exports)).then(_=> {
        if (!this.isDefined(this.exports)) {
            alert("This Mod Needs To Be Updated Please Try Agian Later");
        let toFind = {
            overlay: ["render", "canvas"],
            config: ["accAnnounce", "availableRegions", "assetCat"],
            three: ["ACESFilmicToneMapping", "TextureLoader", "ObjectLoader"],
            ws: ["socketReady", "ingressPacketCount", "ingressPacketCount", "egressDataSize"],
            utility: ["VectorAdd", "VectorAngleSign"],
            //colors: ["challLvl", "getChallCol"],
            //ui: ["showEndScreen", "toggleControlUI", "toggleEndScreen", "updatePlayInstructions"],
            //events: ["actions", "events"],
        for (let rootKey in this.exports) {
            let exp = this.exports[rootKey].exports;
            for (let name in toFind) {
                if (this.objectHas(exp, toFind[name])) {
                    console.log("Found Export ", name);
                    delete toFind[name];
                    this[name] = exp;
        if (!(Object.keys(toFind).length === 0 && toFind.constructor === Object)) {
            for (let name in toFind) {
                alert("Failed To Find Export " + name);
        } else {
            Object.defineProperty(this.config, "nameVisRate", {
                value: 0,
                writable: false,
                configurable: true,
            this.ctx = this.overlay.canvas.getContext('2d');
            this.overlay.render = new Proxy(this.overlay.render, {
                apply: function(target, that, args) {
                    return [target.apply(that, args), render.apply(that, args)]
            function render(scale, game, controls, renderer, me) {
                let width = skid.overlay.canvas.width / scale;
                let height = skid.overlay.canvas.height / scale;
                const renderArgs = [scale, game, controls, renderer, me];
                if (renderArgs && void 0 !== skid) {
                    ["scale", "game", "controls", "renderer", "me"].forEach((item, index)=>{
                        skid[item] = renderArgs[index];
                    if (me) {
                        skid.ctx.scale(scale, scale);
                        //this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
                        //window.requestAnimationFrame.call(window, renderArgs.callee.caller.bind(this));
                    if(skid.settings && skid.settings.autoClick.val && window.endUI.style.display == "none" && window.windowHolder.style.display == "none") {

            // Skins
            const $skins = Symbol("skins");
            Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "skins", {
                set: function(fn) {
                    this[$skins] = fn;
                    if (void 0 == this.localSkins || !this.localSkins.length) {
                        this.localSkins = Array.apply(null, Array(5e3)).map((x, i) => {
                            return {
                                ind: i,
                                cnt: 0x1,
                    return fn;
                get: function() {
                    return skid.settings.skinUnlock.val && this.stats ? this.localSkins : this[$skins];

            this.waitFor(_=>this.ws.connected === true, 40000).then(_=> {
                this.ws.__event = this.ws._dispatchEvent.bind(this.ws);
                this.ws.__send = this.ws.send.bind(this.ws);
                this.ws.send = new Proxy(this.ws.send, {
                    apply: function(target, that, args) {
                        if (args[0] == "ah2") return;
                        try {
                            var original_fn = Function.prototype.apply.apply(target, [that, args]);
                        } catch (e) {
                            e.stack = e.stack = e.stack.replace(/\n.*Object\.apply.*/, '');
                            throw e;

                        if (args[0] === "en") {
                            skid.skinCache = {
                                main: args[1][2][0],
                                secondary: args[1][2][1],
                                hat: args[1][3],
                                body: args[1][4],
                                knife: args[1][9],
                                dye: args[1][14],
                                waist: args[1][17],

                        return original_fn;

                this.ws._dispatchEvent = new Proxy(this.ws._dispatchEvent, {
                    apply: function(target, that, [type, event]) {
                        if (type =="init") {
                            if(event[10] && event[10].length && event[10].bill && skid.settings.customBillboard.val.length > 1) {
                                event[10].bill.txt = skid.settings.customBillboard.val;

                        if (skid.settings.skinUnlock.val && skid.skinCache && type === "0") {
                            let skins = skid.skinCache;
                            let pInfo = event[0];
                            let pSize = 38;
                            while (pInfo.length % pSize !== 0) pSize++;
                            for(let i = 0; i < pInfo.length; i += pSize) {
                                if (pInfo[i] === skid.ws.socketId||0) {
                                    pInfo[i + 12] = [skins.main, skins.secondary];
                                    pInfo[i + 13] = skins.hat;
                                    pInfo[i + 14] = skins.body;
                                    pInfo[i + 19] = skins.knife;
                                    pInfo[i + 24] = skins.dye;
                                    pInfo[i + 33] = skins.waist;

                        return target.apply(that, arguments[2]);

            if (this.isDefined(window.SOUND)) {
                window.SOUND.play = new Proxy(window.SOUND.play, {
                    apply: function(target, that, [src, vol, loop, rate]) {
                        if ( src.startsWith("fart_") && skid.settings.disableHckSnd.val ) return;
                        return target.apply(that, [src, vol, loop, rate]);

            AudioParam.prototype.setValueAtTime = new Proxy(AudioParam.prototype.setValueAtTime, {
                apply: function(target, that, [value, startTime]) {
                    return target.apply(that, [value, 0]);

            this.rayC = new this.three.Raycaster();
            this.vec2 = new this.three.Vector2(0, 0);

gameJS(script) {
    let entries = {
        // Deobfu
        inView: { regex: /(\w+\['(\w+)']\){if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['position']\['clone']\(\))/, index: 2 },
        spectating: { regex: /\['team']:window\['(\w+)']/, index: 1 },
        //inView: { regex: /\]\)continue;if\(!\w+\['(.+?)\']\)continue;/, index: 1 },
        //canSee: { regex: /\w+\['(\w+)']\(\w+,\w+\['x'],\w+\['y'],\w+\['z']\)\)&&/, index: 1 },
        //procInputs: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+,\w+\){(this)\['recon']/, index: 1 },
        aimVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']-=0x1\/\(this\['weapon']\['\w+']\/\w+\)/, index: 1 },
        pchObjc: { regex: /0x0,this\['(\w+)']=new \w+\['Object3D']\(\),this/, index: 1 },
        didShoot: { regex: /--,\w+\['(\w+)']=!0x0/, index: 1 },
        nAuto: { regex: /'Single\\x20Fire','varN':'(\w+)'/, index: 1 },
        crouchVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']\+=\w\['\w+']\*\w+,0x1<=this\['\w+']/, index: 1 },
        recoilAnimY: { regex: /\+\(-Math\['PI']\/0x4\*\w+\+\w+\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['\w+']\)\+/, index: 1 },
        //recoilAnimY: { regex: /this\['recoilAnim']=0x0,this\[(.*?\(''\))]/, index: 1 },
        ammos: { regex: /\['length'];for\(\w+=0x0;\w+<\w+\['(\w+)']\['length']/, index: 1 },
        weaponIndex: { regex: /\['weaponConfig']\[\w+]\['secondary']&&\(\w+\['(\w+)']==\w+/, index: 1 },
        isYou: { regex: /0x0,this\['(\w+)']=\w+,this\['\w+']=!0x0,this\['inputs']/, index: 1 },
        objInstances: { regex: /\w+\['\w+']\(0x0,0x0,0x0\);if\(\w+\['(\w+)']=\w+\['\w+']/, index: 1 },
        getWorldPosition: { regex: /{\w+=\w+\['camera']\['(\w+)']\(\);/, index: 1 },
        //mouseDownL: { regex: /this\['\w+'\]=function\(\){this\['(\w+)'\]=\w*0,this\['(\w+)'\]=\w*0,this\['\w+'\]={}/, index: 1 },
        mouseDownR: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=0x0,this\['keys']=/, index: 1 },
        //reloadTimer: { regex:  /this\['(\w+)']&&\(\w+\['\w+']\(this\),\w+\['\w+']\(this\)/, index: 1 },
        maxHealth: { regex: /this\['health']\/this\['(\w+)']\?/, index: 1 },
        xDire: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=Math\['lerpAngle']\(this\['xDir2']/, index: 1 },
        yDire: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=Math\['lerpAngle']\(this\['yDir2']/, index: 1 },
        //xVel: { regex: /this\['x']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedX']/, index: 1 },
        yVel: { regex: /this\['y']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedY']/, index: 1 },
        //zVel: { regex: /this\['z']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedZ']/, index: 1 },

        // Patches
        exports: {regex: /(this\['\w+']\['\w+']\(this\);};},function\(\w+,\w+,(\w+)\){)/, patch: `$1 ${skidStr}.exports=$2.c; ${skidStr}.modules=$2.m;`},
        inputs: {regex: /(\w+\['\w+']\[\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\?'\w+':'push']\()(\w+)\),/, patch: `$1${skidStr}.onInput($2)),`},
        inView: {regex: /&&(\w+\['\w+'])\){(if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\['\w+'])/, patch: `){if(!$1&&void 0 !== ${skidStr}.nameTags)continue;$2`},
        thirdPerson:{regex: /(\w+)\[\'config\'\]\[\'thirdPerson\'\]/g, patch: `void 0 !== ${skidStr}.thirdPerson`},
        isHacker:{regex: /(window\['\w+']=)!0x0\)/, patch: `$1!0x1)`},
        fixHowler:{regex: /(Howler\['orientation'](.+?)\)\),)/, patch: ``},
        respawnT:{regex: /'\w+':0x3e8\*/g, patch: `'respawnT':0x0*`},
        anticheat1:{regex: /&&\w+\(\),window\['utilities']&&\(\w+\(null,null,null,!0x0\),\w+\(\)\)/, patch: ""},
        anticheat2:{regex: /(\[]instanceof Array;).*?(var)/, patch: "$1 $2"},
        anticheat3:{regex: /windows\['length'\]>\d+.*?0x25/, patch: `0x25`},
        commandline:{regex: /Object\['defineProperty']\(console.*?\),/, patch: ""},
        writeable:{regex: /'writeable':!0x1/g, patch: "writeable:true"},
        configurable:{regex: /'configurable':!0x1/g, patch: "configurable:true"},
        typeError:{regex: /throw new TypeError/g, patch: "console.error"},
        error:{regex: /throw new Error/g, patch: "console.error"},
    for(let name in entries) {
        let object = entries[name];
        let found = object.regex.exec(script);
        if (object.hasOwnProperty('index')) {
            if (!found) {
                object.val = null;
                alert("Failed to Find " + name);
            } else {
                object.val = found[object.index];
                console.log ("Found ", name, ":", object.val);
            Object.defineProperty(skid.vars, name, {
                configurable: false,
                value: object.val
        } else if (found) {
            script = script.replace(object.regex, object.patch);
            console.log ("Patched ", name);
        } else alert("Failed to Patch " + name);
    return script;

createObservers() {
    this.createObserver(window.instructionsUpdate, 'style', (target) => {
        if (this.settings.autoFindNew.val) {
            if (['Kicked', 'Banned', 'Disconnected', 'Error', 'Game is full'].some(text => target && target.innerHTML.includes(text))) {
                location = document.location.origin;

    this.createListener(document, "keyup", event => {
        if (this.downKeys.has(event.code)) this.downKeys.delete(event.code)

    this.createListener(document, "keydown", event => {
        if (event.code == "F1") {
        if ('INPUT' == document.activeElement.tagName || !window.endUI && window.endUI.style.display) return;
        switch (event.code) {
            case 'NumpadSubtract':
                if (!this.downKeys.has(event.code)) this.downKeys.add(event.code);

    this.createListener(document, "mouseup", event => {
        switch (event.button) {
            case 1:

onRender() { /* hrt / ttap - https://github.com/hrt */
    this.renderFrame ++;
    if (this.renderFrame >= 100000) this.renderFrame = 0;
    let scaledWidth = this.ctx.canvas.width / this.scale;
    let scaledHeight = this.ctx.canvas.height / this.scale;
    let playerScale = (2 * this.consts.armScale + this.consts.chestWidth + this.consts.armInset) / 2
    let worldPosition = this.renderer.camera[this.vars.getWorldPosition]();
    let espVal = this.settings.renderESP.val;
    if (espVal ==="walls"||espVal ==="twoD") this.nameTags = undefined; else this.nameTags = true;

    if (this.settings.autoActivateNuke.val && this.me && Object.keys(this.me.streaks).length) { /*chonker*/
        this.ws.__send("k", 0);

    if (espVal !== "off") {
        this.overlay.healthColE = this.settings.rainbowColor.val ? this.overlay.rainbow.col : "#eb5656";

    for (let iter = 0, length = this.game.players.list.length; iter < length; iter++) {
        let player = this.game.players.list[iter];
        if (player[this.vars.isYou] || !player.active || !this.isDefined(player[this.vars.objInstances]) || this.getIsFriendly(player)) {

        // the below variables correspond to the 2d box esps corners
        let xmin = Infinity;
        let xmax = -Infinity;
        let ymin = Infinity;
        let ymax = -Infinity;
        let position = null;
        let br = false;
        for (let j = -1; !br && j < 2; j+=2) {
            for (let k = -1; !br && k < 2; k+=2) {
                for (let l = 0; !br && l < 2; l++) {
                    if (position = player[this.vars.objInstances].position.clone()) {
                        position.x += j * playerScale;
                        position.z += k * playerScale;
                        position.y += l * (player.height - player[this.vars.crouchVal] * this.consts.crouchDst);
                        if (!this.containsPoint(position)) {
                            br = true;
                        xmin = Math.min(xmin, position.x);
                        xmax = Math.max(xmax, position.x);
                        ymin = Math.min(ymin, position.y);
                        ymax = Math.max(ymax, position.y);

        if (br) {

        xmin = (xmin + 1) / 2;
        ymin = (ymin + 1) / 2;
        xmax = (xmax + 1) / 2;
        ymax = (ymax + 1) / 2;

        // save and restore these variables later so they got nothing on us
        const original_strokeStyle = this.ctx.strokeStyle;
        const original_lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth;
        const original_font = this.ctx.font;
        const original_fillStyle = this.ctx.fillStyle;

        if (this.settings.renderTracers.val) {
            CRC2d.save.apply(this.ctx, []);
            let screenPos = this.world2Screen(player[this.vars.objInstances].position);
            this.ctx.lineWidth = 4.5;
            this.ctx.moveTo(this.ctx.canvas.width/2, this.ctx.canvas.height - (this.ctx.canvas.height - scaledHeight));
            this.ctx.lineTo(screenPos.x, screenPos.y);
            this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)";
            this.ctx.lineWidth = 2.5;
            this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.settings.rainbowColor.val ? this.overlay.rainbow.col : "#eb5656"
            CRC2d.restore.apply(this.ctx, []);

        CRC2d.save.apply(this.ctx, []);
        if (espVal == "twoD" || espVal == "full") {
            // perfect box esp
            this.ctx.lineWidth = 5;
            this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.settings.rainbowColor.val ? this.overlay.rainbow.col : "#eb5656"
            let distanceScale = Math.max(.3, 1 - this.getD3D(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z, player.x, player.y, player.z) / 600);
            CRC2d.scale.apply(this.ctx, [distanceScale, distanceScale]);
            let xScale = scaledWidth / distanceScale;
            let yScale = scaledHeight / distanceScale;
            CRC2d.beginPath.apply(this.ctx, []);
            ymin = yScale * (1 - ymin);
            ymax = yScale * (1 - ymax);
            xmin = xScale * xmin;
            xmax = xScale * xmax;
            CRC2d.moveTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmin, ymin]);
            CRC2d.lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmin, ymax]);
            CRC2d.lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmax, ymax]);
            CRC2d.lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmax, ymin]);
            CRC2d.lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmin, ymin]);
            CRC2d.stroke.apply(this.ctx, []);

            if (espVal == "full") {
                // health bar
                this.ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
                let barMaxHeight = ymax - ymin;
                CRC2d.fillRect.apply(this.ctx, [xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight]);
                this.ctx.fillStyle = player.health > 75 ? "green" : player.health > 40 ? "orange" : "red";
                CRC2d.fillRect.apply(this.ctx, [xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight * (player.health / player[this.vars.maxHealth])]);
                // info
                this.ctx.font = "48px Sans-serif";
                this.ctx.fillStyle = "white";
                this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
                let x = xmax + 7;
                let y = ymax;
                CRC2d.fillText.apply(this.ctx, [player.name||player.alias, x, y]);
                CRC2d.strokeText.apply(this.ctx, [player.name||player.alias, x, y]);
                this.ctx.font = "30px Sans-serif";
                y += 35;
                CRC2d.fillText.apply(this.ctx, [player.weapon.name, x, y]);
                CRC2d.strokeText.apply(this.ctx, [player.weapon.name, x, y]);
                y += 35;
                CRC2d.fillText.apply(this.ctx, [player.health + ' HP', x, y]);
                CRC2d.strokeText.apply(this.ctx, [player.health + ' HP', x, y]);

        CRC2d.restore.apply(this.ctx, []);
        this.ctx.strokeStyle = original_strokeStyle;
        this.ctx.lineWidth = original_lineWidth;
        this.ctx.font = original_font;
        this.ctx.fillStyle = original_fillStyle;

        // skelly chams
        if (this.isDefined(player[this.vars.objInstances])) {
            let obj = player[this.vars.objInstances];
            if (!obj.visible) {
                Object.defineProperty(player[this.vars.objInstances], 'visible', {
                    value: true,
                    writable: false
            obj.traverse((child) => {
                let chamColor = this.settings.renderChams.val;
                let chamsEnabled = chamColor !== "off";
                if (child && child.type == "Mesh" && child.material) {
                    child.material.depthTest = chamsEnabled ? false : true;
                    //if (this.isDefined(child.material.fog)) child.material.fog = chamsEnabled ? false : true;
                    if (child.material.emissive) {
                        child.material.emissive.r = chamColor == 'off' || chamColor == 'teal' || chamColor == 'green' || chamColor == 'blue' ? 0 : 0.55;
                        child.material.emissive.g = chamColor == 'off' || chamColor == 'purple' || chamColor == 'blue' || chamColor == 'red' ? 0 : 0.55;
                        child.material.emissive.b = chamColor == 'off' || chamColor == 'yellow' || chamColor == 'green' || chamColor == 'red' ? 0 : 0.55;
                    child.material.wireframe = this.settings.renderWireFrame.val ? true : false

spinTick(input) {
    //this.game.players.saveSpin(this.self, angle);
    const angle = this.getAngleDst(input[2], this.me[this.vars.xDire]);
    this.spins = this.getStatic(this.spins, new Array());
    this.spinTimer = this.getStatic(this.spinTimer, this.config.spinTimer);
    this.serverTickRate = this.getStatic(this.serverTickRate, this.config.serverTickRate);
    (this.spins.unshift(angle), this.spins.length > this.spinTimer / this.serverTickRate && (this.spins.length = Math.round(this.spinTimer / this.serverTickRate)))
    for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < this.spins.length; ++i) e += this.spins[i];
    return Math.abs(e * (180 / Math.PI));

raidBot(input) {
    let target = this.game.AI.ais.filter(enemy => {
        return undefined !== enemy.mesh && enemy.mesh && enemy.mesh.children[0] && enemy.canBSeen && enemy.health > 0
    }).sort((p1, p2) => this.getD3D(this.me.x, this.me.z, p1.x, p1.z) - this.getD3D(this.me.x, this.me.z, p2.x, p2.z)).shift();
    if (target) {
        let canSee = this.containsPoint(target.mesh.position)
        let yDire = (this.getDir(this.me.z, this.me.x, target.z, target.x) || 0)
        let xDire = ((this.getXDire(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.x, target.y + target.mesh.children[0].scale.y * 0.85, target.z) || 0) - this.consts.recoilMlt * this.me[this.vars.recoilAnimY])
        if (this.me.weapon[this.vars.nAuto] && this.me[this.vars.didShoot]) { input[this.key.shoot] = 0; input[this.key.scope] = 0; this.me.inspecting = false; this.me.inspectX = 0; }
        else {
            if (!this.me.aimDir && canSee) {
                input[this.key.scope] = 1;
                if (!this.me[this.vars.aimVal]||this.me.weapon.noAim) {
                    input[this.key.shoot] = 1;
                    input[this.key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3
                    input[this.key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3
                    this.lookDir(xDire, yDire);
    } else {
    return input;

onInput(input) {
    if (this.isDefined(this.config) && this.config.aimAnimMlt) this.config.aimAnimMlt = 1;
    if (this.isDefined(this.controls) && this.isDefined(this.config) && this.settings.inActivity.val) {
        this.controls.idleTimer = 0;
        this.config.kickTimer = Infinity
    if (this.me) {
        this.inputFrame ++;
        if (this.inputFrame >= 100000) this.inputFrame = 0;
        if (!this.game.playerSound[this.isProxy]) {
            this.game.playerSound = new Proxy(this.game.playerSound, {
                apply: function(target, that, args) {
                    if (skid.settings.disableWpnSnd.val && args[0] && typeof args[0] == "string" && args[0].startsWith("weapon_")) return;
                    return target.apply(that, args);
                get: function(target, key) {
                    return key === skid.isProxy ? true : Reflect.get(target, key);

        let isMelee = this.isDefined(this.me.weapon.melee)&&this.me.weapon.melee||this.isDefined(this.me.weapon.canThrow)&&this.me.weapon.canThrow;
        let ammoLeft = this.me[this.vars.ammos][this.me[this.vars.weaponIndex]];

        // autoReload
        if (this.settings.autoReload.val) {
            //let capacity = this.me.weapon.ammo;
            //if (ammoLeft < capacity)
            if (isMelee) {
                if (!this.me.canThrow) {
            } else if (!ammoLeft) {
                input[this.key.reload] = 1;
                // this.me[this.vars.reloadTimer] = 1;

        //Auto Bhop
        let autoBhop = this.settings.autoBhop.val;
        if (autoBhop !== "off") {
            if (this.isKeyDown("Space") || autoBhop == "autoJump" || autoBhop == "autoSlide") {
                this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jumpKey.val] ^= 1;
                if (this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jumpKey.val]) {
                    this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.jumpKey.val] = 1;
                if (this.isKeyDown("Space") || autoBhop == "autoSlide") {
                    if (this.me[this.vars.yVel] < -0.03 && this.me.canSlide) {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouchKey.val] = 0;
                        }, this.me.slideTimer||325);
                        this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouchKey.val] = 1;
                        this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.crouchKey.val] = 1;

        if (this.settings.autoAim.val !== "off") {
            this.playerMaps.length = 0;
            this.rayC.setFromCamera(this.vec2, this.renderer.fpsCamera);
            let target = this.game.players.list.filter(enemy => {
                let hostile = undefined !== enemy[this.vars.objInstances] && enemy[this.vars.objInstances] && !enemy[this.vars.isYou] && !this.getIsFriendly(enemy) && enemy.health > 0 && this.getInView(enemy);
                if (hostile) this.playerMaps.push( enemy[this.vars.objInstances] );
                return hostile
            }).sort((p1, p2) => this.getD3D(this.me.x, this.me.z, p1.x, p1.z) - this.getD3D(this.me.x, this.me.z, p2.x, p2.z)).shift();
            if (target) {
                //let count = this.spinTick(input);
                //if (count < 360) {
                //    input[2] = this.me[this.vars.xDire] + Math.PI;
                //} else console.log("spins ", count);
                //target.jumpBobY * this.config.jumpVel
                let canSee = this.containsPoint(target[this.vars.objInstances].position);
                let inCast = this.rayC.intersectObjects(this.playerMaps, true).length;
                let yDire = (this.getDir(this.me.z, this.me.x, target.z, target.x) || 0);
                let xDire = ((this.getXDire(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.x, target.y - target[this.vars.crouchVal] * this.consts.crouchDst + this.me[this.vars.crouchVal] * this.consts.crouchDst, target.z) || 0) - this.consts.recoilMlt * this.me[this.vars.recoilAnimY])
                if (this.me.weapon[this.vars.nAuto] && this.me[this.vars.didShoot]) {
                    input[this.key.shoot] = 0;
                    input[this.key.scope] = 0;
                    this.me.inspecting = false;
                    this.me.inspectX = 0;
                else if (!canSee && this.settings.frustrumCheck.val) this.resetLookAt();
                else if (ammoLeft||isMelee) {
                    input[this.key.scope] = this.settings.autoAim.val === "assist"||this.settings.autoAim.val === "correction"||this.settings.autoAim.val === "trigger" ? this.controls[this.vars.mouseDownR] : 0;
                    switch (this.settings.autoAim.val) {
                        case "quickScope":
                            input[this.key.scope] = 1;
                            if (!this.me[this.vars.aimVal]||this.me.weapon.noAim) {
                                if (!this.me.canThrow||!isMelee) input[this.key.shoot] = 1;
                                input[this.key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3
                                input[this.key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3
                                this.lookDir(xDire, yDire);
                        case "assist": case "easyassist":
                            if (input[this.key.scope] || this.settings.autoAim.val === "easyassist") {
                                if (!this.me.aimDir && canSee || this.settings.autoAim.val === "easyassist") {
                                    input[this.key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3
                                    input[this.key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3
                                    this.lookDir(xDire, yDire);
                        case "silent":
                            if (!this.me[this.vars.aimVal]||this.me.weapon.noAim) {
                                if (!this.me.canThrow||!isMelee) input[this.key.shoot] = 1;
                            } else input[this.key.scope] = 1;
                            input[this.key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3
                            input[this.key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3
                        case "trigger":
                            if (input[this.key.scope] && canSee && inCast) {
                                input[this.key.shoot] = 1;
                                input[this.key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3
                                input[this.key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3
                        case "correction":
                            if (input[this.key.shoot] == 1) {
                                input[this.key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3
                                input[this.key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3
            } else {
                //input = this.raidBot(input);

    //else if (this.settings.autoClick.val && !this.ui.hasEndScreen) {
    //this.config.deathDelay = 0;

    //this.game.config.deltaMlt = 1
    return input;

getD3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) {
    let dx = x1 - x2;
    let dy = y1 - y2;
    let dz = z1 - z2;
    return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

getAngleDst(a, b) {
    return Math.atan2(Math.sin(b - a), Math.cos(a - b));

getXDire(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) {
    let h = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
    let dst = this.getD3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);
    return (Math.asin(h / dst) * ((y1 > y2)?-1:1));

getDir(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
    return Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);

getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
    return Math.sqrt((x2 -= x1) * x2 + (y2 -= y1) * y2);

containsPoint(point) {
    let planes = this.renderer.frustum.planes;
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i ++) {
        if (planes[i].distanceToPoint(point) < 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

getCanSee(from, toX, toY, toZ, boxSize) {
    if (!from) return 0;
    boxSize = boxSize||0;
    for (let obj, dist = this.getD3D(from.x, from.y, from.z, toX, toY, toZ), xDr = this.getDir(from.z, from.x, toZ, toX), yDr = this.getDir(this.getDistance(from.x, from.z, toX, toZ), toY, 0, from.y), dx = 1 / (dist * Math.sin(xDr - Math.PI) * Math.cos(yDr)), dz = 1 / (dist * Math.cos(xDr - Math.PI) * Math.cos(yDr)), dy = 1 / (dist * Math.sin(yDr)), yOffset = from.y + (from.height || 0) - this.consts.cameraHeight, aa = 0; aa < this.game.map.manager.objects.length; ++aa) {
        if (!(obj = this.game.map.manager.objects[aa]).noShoot && obj.active && !obj.transparent && (!this.settings.wallPenetrate.val || (!obj.penetrable || !this.me.weapon.pierce))) {
            let tmpDst = this.lineInRect(from.x, from.z, yOffset, dx, dz, dy, obj.x - Math.max(0, obj.width - boxSize), obj.z - Math.max(0, obj.length - boxSize), obj.y - Math.max(0, obj.height - boxSize), obj.x + Math.max(0, obj.width - boxSize), obj.z + Math.max(0, obj.length - boxSize), obj.y + Math.max(0, obj.height - boxSize));
            if (tmpDst && 1 > tmpDst) return tmpDst;
    let terrain = this.game.map.terrain;
    if (terrain) {
        let terrainRaycast = terrain.raycast(from.x, -from.z, yOffset, 1 / dx, -1 / dz, 1 / dy);
        if (terrainRaycast) return utl.getD3D(from.x, from.y, from.z, terrainRaycast.x, terrainRaycast.z, -terrainRaycast.y);
    return null;

lineInRect(lx1, lz1, ly1, dx, dz, dy, x1, z1, y1, x2, z2, y2) {
    let t1 = (x1 - lx1) * dx;
    let t2 = (x2 - lx1) * dx;
    let t3 = (y1 - ly1) * dy;
    let t4 = (y2 - ly1) * dy;
    let t5 = (z1 - lz1) * dz;
    let t6 = (z2 - lz1) * dz;
    let tmin = Math.max(Math.max(Math.min(t1, t2), Math.min(t3, t4)), Math.min(t5, t6));
    let tmax = Math.min(Math.min(Math.max(t1, t2), Math.max(t3, t4)), Math.max(t5, t6));
    if (tmax < 0) return false;
    if (tmin > tmax) return false;
    return tmin;

lookDir(xDire, yDire) {
    this.controls.object.rotation.y = yDire
    this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x = xDire;
    this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x = Math.max(-this.consts.halfPI, Math.min(this.consts.halfPI, this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x));
    this.controls.yDr = (this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x % Math.PI).round(3);
    this.controls.xDr = (this.controls.object.rotation.y % Math.PI).round(3);

resetLookAt() {
    this.controls.yDr = this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x;
    this.controls.xDr = this.controls.object.rotation.y;

world2Screen (position) {
    let pos = position.clone();
    let scaledWidth = this.ctx.canvas.width / this.scale;
    let scaledHeight = this.ctx.canvas.height / this.scale;
    pos.x = (pos.x + 1) / 2;
    pos.y = (-pos.y + 1) / 2;
    pos.x *= scaledWidth;
    pos.y *= scaledHeight;
    return pos;

getInView(entity) {
    return null == this.getCanSee(this.me, entity.x, entity.y, entity.z);

getIsFriendly(entity) {
    return (this.me && this.me.team ? this.me.team : this.me.spectating ? 0x1 : 0x0) == entity.team


function loadWASM() { window.Function = new Proxy(window.Function, { construct(target, args) { const original = new target(...args); if (args.length) { let body = args[args.length - 1]; if (body.length > 38e5) { // game.js at game loader Easy Method //console.log(body) } else if (args[0] == "requireRegisteredType") { return (function(...fnArgs){ // Expose WASM functions if (!window.hasOwnProperty("WASM")) { window.Object.assign(window, { WASM: { requireRegisteredType:fnArgs[0], __emval_register:[2], } });

                        for(let name in fnArgs[1]) {
                            window.WASM[name] = fnArgs[1][name];
                            switch (name) {
                                case "__Z01dynCall_fijfiv": //game.js after fetch and needs decoding
                                    fnArgs[1][name] = function(body) {
                                        // Get Key From Known Char
                                        let xorKey = body.charCodeAt() ^ '!'.charCodeAt(), str = "", ret ="";

                                        // Decode Mangled String
                                        for (let i = 0, strLen = body.length; i < strLen; i++) {
                                            str += String.fromCharCode(body.charCodeAt(i) ^ xorKey);

                                        // Manipulate String
                                        window[skidStr] = new Skid();
                                        str = skid.gameJS(str);

                                        //ReEncode Mangled String
                                        for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
                                            ret += String.fromCharCode(str[i].charCodeAt() ^ xorKey);

                                        // Return With Our Manipulated Code
                                        return window.WASM[name].apply(this, [ret]);

                                case "__Z01dynCall_fijifv": //generate token promise
                                    fnArgs[1][name] = function(response) {
                                        if (!response.ok) {
                                            throw new window.Error("Network response from " + response.url + " was not ok")
                                        let promise = window.WASM[name].apply(this, [response]);
                                        return promise;
                                case "__Z01dynCall_fijjjv": //hmac token function
                                    fnArgs[1][name] = function() {
                                        return window.WASM[name].apply(this, arguments);

                    return new target(...args).apply(this, fnArgs);
            // If changed return with spoofed toString();
            if (args[args.length - 1] !== body) {
                args[args.length - 1] = body;
                let patched = new target(...args);
                patched.toString = () => original.toString();
                return patched;
        return original;

function onPageLoad() {
    window.instructionHolder.style.display = "block";
    window.instructions.innerHTML = `<div id="settHolder"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/yzb2ZmS.gif" width="25%"></div><a href='https://skidlamer.github.io/wp/' target='_blank.'><div class="imageButton discordSocial"></div></a>`
    window.request = (url, type, opt = {}) => fetch(url, opt).then(response => response.ok ? response[type]() : null);
    let Module = {
        onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
            function e(e) {
                window.instructionHolder.style.display = "block";
                window.instructions.innerHTML = "<div style='color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)'>" + e + "</div><div style='margin-top:10px;font-size:20px;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.4)'>Make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome or Firefox,<br/>or try again by clicking <a href='/'>here</a>.</div>";
                window.instructionHolder.style.pointerEvents = "all";
            }(async function() {
                "undefined" != typeof TextEncoder && "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder ? await Module.initialize(Module) : e("Your browser is not supported.")
            })().catch(err => {
                e("Failed to load game.");
                throw new Error(err);
    window._debugTimeStart = Date.now();
    window.request("/pkg/maindemo.wasm","arrayBuffer",{cache: "no-store"}).then(body => {
        Module.wasmBinary = body;
        window.request("/pkg/maindemo.js","text",{cache: "no-store"}).then(body => {
            body = body.replace(/(function UTF8ToString\((\w+),\w+\)){return \w+\?(.+?)\}/, `$1{let str=$2?$3;if (str.includes("CLEAN_WINDOW") || str.includes("Array.prototype.filter = undefined")) return "";return str;}`);
            body = body.replace(/(_emscripten_run_script\(\w+\){)eval\((\w+\(\w+\))\)}/, `$1 let str=$2; console.log(str);}`);
            new Function(body)();

let observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
    for (let mutation of mutations) {
        for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
            if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT' && node.type === "text/javascript" && node.innerHTML.startsWith("*!", 1)) {
                node.innerHTML = onPageLoad.toString() + "\nonPageLoad();";

observer.observe(document, {
    childList: true,
    subtree: true


function loadBasic() { let request = async function(url, type, opt = {}) { return fetch(url, opt).then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response from " + url + " was not ok") } return response[type]() }) } let fetchScript = async function() { const data = await request("https://krunker.io/social.html", "text"); const buffer = await request("https://krunker.io/pkg/krunker." + /\w.exports="(\w+)"/.exec(data)[1] + ".vries", "arrayBuffer"); const array = Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer)); const xor = array[0] ^ '!'.charCodeAt(0); return array.map((code) => String.fromCharCode(code ^ xor)).join(''); }

function onPageLoad() {
    window.instructionHolder.style.display = "block";
    window.instructions.innerHTML = `<div id="settHolder"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/yzb2ZmS.gif" width="25%"></div><a href='https://skidlamer.github.io/wp/' target='_blank.'><div class="imageButton discordSocial"></div></a>`
    window.instructionHolder.style.pointerEvents = "all";
    window._debugTimeStart = Date.now();

let observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
    for (let mutation of mutations) {
        for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
            if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT' && node.type === "text/javascript" && node.innerHTML.startsWith("*!", 1)) {
                node.innerHTML = onPageLoad.toString() + "\nonPageLoad();";
                    window[skidStr] = new Skid();
                    const loader = new Function("__LOADER__mmTokenPromise", "Module", skid.gameJS(script));
                    loader(new Promise(res=>res(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).token)), { csv: async () => 0 });
                    window.instructionHolder.style.pointerEvents = "none";

observer.observe(document, {
    childList: true,
    subtree: true


let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', 'https://api.sys32.dev/token', false);

try { xhr.send(); if (xhr.status != 200) { loadWASM(); } else { if (xhr.responseText.includes('success')) { loadBasic(); } else loadWASM(); } } catch(err) { loadWASM(); }