Email-Dashboard / Email-Marketing

📪 Super customizable Emailing - Personalized Email & Mass emailing & Email CRM & CRM in your Inbox
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demande informations #48

Open khalidelmerrah opened 5 years ago

khalidelmerrah commented 5 years ago

hello creator,

i found your amazing application and i'm interested in using it but i'd like to ask few questions first.

adamdilek commented 5 years ago

Hi @khalidelmerrah,

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This app does not provide smtp server. You can track emails if you use Sendgrid and AWS SES. Then you can mark emails as incorrect, bounce etc..

  2. This project is not related to Email Dashboard. It can work by self.

We have been using this project in production for 1 year 7 months.

khalidelmerrah commented 5 years ago

hello and thanks for the fast reply, is there any demo or video or set of screenshots i can look at, cuz i need to show this to my boss, i need clarification ...

adamdilek commented 5 years ago

We don't have a demo page. I can send you screenshots from our production. My email is dilekmuhammet at gmail dot com.

khalidelmerrah commented 5 years ago

i just sent u an email

paulmassen commented 5 years ago

I would be glad to take a look at the interface too. A screenshot in the readme would be very helpful!