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More on multiplication principle by Harvard Fat Chance #21

Open EmbraceLife opened 6 years ago

EmbraceLife commented 6 years ago

More on multiplication with factorial


factorial, multiplication

Video links

Bilibili videos my notes part 1-3 p10-12

start problem

Experiment analysis

  • total steps = 15 (count down to 1)
  • full options for all steps are the same = 15
  • count = 15 x 14x 13 x ... x 15 - (15-1) = 15!

Factorial is very convenient and simple expression than line them up

n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x n - (k-1) = $\frac{n!}{(n-k)!}$ why? (count down k numbers)

  • n x (n - 1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x 1 = n!
  • n x (n - 1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x [n-(k-1)] x (n - k) x ... x 1 = n!
  • to remove (n - k) x ... x 1 from n!
  • (n - k) x (n - k - 1) x ... x 2 x 1 = (n-k)!
    • because it is continous sequence multiplication like 1x2x3...xn = n!

three digit numbers example

3-digit number experiment

  • constraint
    • 0 is excluded for all three digits
    • full option for all digits (all steps) = count (1,2,3,..., 9) = 9
    • no repetition = decreasing options
  • steps = 3 digits = 3
  • options are decreasing from 9
  • count = 9 x 8 x 7 = $\frac{9!}{(9-3)!}$ = 504

count odd numbers from above example

added constraint

  • select only odd numbers from the 504 numbers above
  • odd number = numbers ending with 1,3,5,7,9

experiment analysis

  • total steps = 3 digits = 3
  • count from first digit or from last digit both are valid
  • with only the last step has 5 option numbers to choose
  • but we start with first two digits, the last digit may not have 5 options, so the last step's option become variable which is bad!!


  • the last digit has the most contraint, start with it
  • count = $opt{step3} \times opt{step2} \times opt_{step1} = 5 \times (9-1) \times (9-1-1) = 5 \times 8 \times 7$

more challenge problem with no two boys together


  • since 8 boys and 7 girls, boys and girls must cross sit to avoid any two boys sit together
  • boy(8) x girl(7) x boy(8-1) x girl(7-1) x boy(8-2) x girl(7-2) x ...boy(1) x girl(1)

problem (insights for using formula)

  • we can't apply factorial to the count expression above
  • but if we take out boys and girls into two groups, we can apply factorial
  • we can apply multiplication rule above, but not use factorial :atom_symbol:


  • boys group = 8 x 7 x 6 x ... x 1 = 8!
  • girls group = 7 x 6 x ... x 1 = 7!
  • put together = 8! x 7!



  • we start from the most constraints to the least

  • last digit options = 1,3,5,7,9

  • first digit options = not 0, not last digit = 10-1-1

  • second digit options = 10-1-1-1

Enemy-77 commented 6 years ago


EmbraceLife commented 6 years ago
