Encapsule-Annex / schema

A single-page HTML5 application for creating, visualizing, and editing JSON-encoded Soft Circuit Description Language (SCDL) system models.
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Window manager windows are not correctly hidden #3

Open ChrisRus opened 11 years ago

ChrisRus commented 11 years ago

When the browser client area is reduced below the extent of declared window reserved pixel dimensions the layout engine does not honor the precedence order of the plane's splitter stack and leaves windows that should be closed (due to lack of client space). This is a fairly low priority currently but this needs to get fixed eventually.

jeremykohn commented 11 years ago

I'd like to help with this. What languages would be involved (HTML, JavaScript, etc.)?

ChrisRus commented 11 years ago

Hello, Jeremy! Couple of things: Encapsule/schema is somewhat of a monster project: even if you've read everything I've posted on http://blog.encapsule.org there's still a great deal that I haven't taken the time to communicate yet.

That said, your offer to help is awesome. Are you specifically interested in this bug, the Schema app, SCDL modeling language?

I'd like to help with this. What languages would be involved (HTML, JavaScript, etc.)?

I'm authoring in Coffeescript (compiled to JS for deployment).

What's not obvious unless you've browsed through my commits over the past several weeks is exactly where I'm at with the Schema application. Schema development has actually sort of been on hold for two months while I spin out a core library I developed for the project called ONMjs (Object Namespace Manager).

ONMjs is a pure-JS library for building highly-modular, complex data-driven applications. I hit code-complete on this work two days ago and am now porting all the HTML 5 views to the new protocol.

Going forward, virtually everything in the Schema app (including the Window Manager library against which I filed this bug) will be re-written to take advantage of ONMjs.

ONMjs is going live next week sometime on GitHub. It will take me another week to get docs in place.

Let's talk again in a week or two after I get ONMjs spun out and see what you're interested in.

Thanks and regards, Chris

ChrisRus commented 11 years ago

P.S. really curious how you found Encapsule Project?

jeremykohn commented 11 years ago

I really just stumbled upon the Encapsule Project — either from a Google search or by following a link to www.encapsule.org from another programming-related website.

I think the project has a real potential to fundamentally change the way software is designed. I'd like to learn some more about it and to contribute my coding skills.