Energinet-DataHub / ARCHIVED-geh-aggregations

This project aims to create an engine that is able to do calculations on billions of metering points and deliver the results within minutes
Apache License 2.0
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[Cancelled ]User story mapping, feature 6 "Udsendelse" / Notification #751

Closed PerLysemose closed 2 years ago

PerLysemose commented 2 years ago

Problem Description

New Product: “The current state of the [domain] has focussed primarily on [customer segments, pain points, etc]. What existing products/services fail to address is [this gap] Our product/service will address this gap by [vision/strategy] Our initial focus

Benefit Hypothesis

The proposed measurable benefit to the end user or business: "We believe this [business outcome] will be achieved if [these users/actors/society] successfully achieve [this user/actors/society outcome] with [this feature]"

Acceptance criteria and must have scope

Define what is a must-have for launch and in-scope. Keep this section fluid and dynamic until you lock-in priority during planning.

Objectives and key results

What is the revenue impact on our business? Is there a potential penalty or other adverse consequences if we delay?

Leading Indicators

What is the revenue impact on our business? Is there a potential penalty or other adverse consequences if we delay?

Non Functional Requirements


Describe who needs to be kept up-to-date about this feauture, included in discussions, or updated along the way. Stakeholders can be both in Product/Engineering, as well as other teams like Customer Success who might want to keep customers updated on the feature.


What's the timeline for this feature, what resources are needed, and what might potentially block this from hitting the projected end date.