The Flag conditions are not translated if a Delay is used.
E.g. Flag -> Delay = doesn't meat/breaks the flag condition even if the condition is correct and met.
You will need to use the same Flag condition after every Delay to make it work.
Multiple Delay skill example:
E.g. (SkillTree~) Condition:Flag -> Delay -> Condition:Flag -> (mechanic or whatever) -> Delay -> Condition:Flag(same flag) -> (mechanic or whatever) etc...
The Flag conditions are not translated if a Delay is used. E.g. Flag -> Delay = doesn't meat/breaks the flag condition even if the condition is correct and met.
You will need to use the same Flag condition after every Delay to make it work. Multiple Delay skill example: E.g. (SkillTree~) Condition:Flag -> Delay -> Condition:Flag -> (mechanic or whatever) -> Delay -> Condition:Flag(same flag) -> (mechanic or whatever) etc...