Implement an authentication system for logging in to the application.
An authentication system will be needed for the application. Only existing members of the Frukostklubben Discord server should be allowed to join. As of now we allow ANY member of the Discord server to login but in the future we might restrict this to specific roles.
User Story
I press a login button and get redirected to Discords OAuth login portal. I log in with my Discord account information and authorize permissions. I get redirected back to the application logged in as my Discord user.
Composer Packages:
Developer Application with OAuth functionality via Discords Developer Portal
Proper permission management to retrieve correct user information
User information and Servers might be enough (Roles might be required later but not needed for now)
A login route which redirects to Discord OAuth
A callback route which the user returns from
A route guard/permission system which disallows certain routes unless logged in
Proper configuration for OAuth to work (see Laravel/Socialite/Discord documentation)
Implement an authentication system for logging in to the application.
An authentication system will be needed for the application. Only existing members of the Frukostklubben Discord server should be allowed to join. As of now we allow ANY member of the Discord server to login but in the future we might restrict this to specific roles.
User Story
I press a login button and get redirected to Discords OAuth login portal. I log in with my Discord account information and authorize permissions. I get redirected back to the application logged in as my Discord user.
Composer Packages: