ErHaWeb / klaro_consent_manager

TYPO3 integration of Klaro! Consent Management. Klaro! is a powerful tool that protects the privacy and data of your visitors and helps you run a GDPR compliant website.
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Wrong field used for service title in placeholders? #4

Closed hilburger closed 9 months ago

hilburger commented 9 months ago

Hi Eric!

I have just started to integrate Soundcloud via Guidos Soundcloud-Integration: It works pretty nicely so far (I am not ready yet), but I have an issue with the placeholder:

It seems as if the name-field of a set up service is used for the {title}-label instead of the title-field:



So in the frontend I get "Iframe Soundcloud" (field content is "iframe-soundcloud") instead of "Soundcloud" (field content ist "Soundcloud")

ErHaWeb commented 9 months ago

Hi @hilburger,

Please note the description of the title field in the backend:

The title defined here is not mandatory and is intended for backend display only.

→ it says "for backend display only"

It is completely intentional that no translation-relevant information can be set in the backend, as multilingual installations can use the same Klaro configuration in this way. Translations originate 100% from XLIFF files.

In the case you mentioned, Klaro cannot find a suitable label and therefore creates a label itself based on the service identifier ("name").

So what is the correct XLIFF key for your service?


However, I have just noticed that the text defined there is only used in the Consent Box but not in the contextual Consent.

I will correct this at the beginning of next week.

hilburger commented 9 months ago

Thank you and alright! So the last one seems to be the case in the contextual consent as the consent box looks alright in all languages:


My site package's xlf file seems fine as it generally works.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="EXT:tnt_sitepackage_bs5/Resources/Private/Language/Klaro/locallang.xlf" date="2023-12-01T15:24:52Z" product-name="tnt_sitepackage_bs5">
            <trans-unit id="" resname="">
            <trans-unit id="" resname="">
                <source>Services related to stream video and music.</source>
            <trans-unit id="services.iframe-soundcloud.title" resname="services.iframe-soundcloud.title">
            <trans-unit id="services.iframe-soundcloud.description" resname="services.iframe-soundcloud.description">
                <source>The streaming service for musicians, we use their player for sound demos. </source>
            <trans-unit id="save" resname="save">
ErHaWeb commented 9 months ago

This was fixed with the latest release.