Erengun / Flutter-Riverpod-2.0-Template

A flutter template with Riverpod 2.0, Freezed, Go Router, Hive, Easy Localization and more.
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Create Mason Brick for Flutter Template #13

Open Erengun opened 1 year ago

Erengun commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to announce that I'll be taking on the task of creating a Mason Brick for our Flutter boilerplate template! This will make it easier for developers to use our template as a reusable template called a brick, using the power of Mason CLI.

Here's an overview of the steps I'll be following to create the Mason Brick:

  1. Install Mason CLI: If you haven't already, please install Mason CLI by running the following command:

    dart pub global activate mason_cli
  2. Initialize Mason: In the project directory, I'll initialize Mason by running:

    mason init

    This will generate a mason.yaml file and a .mason directory.

  3. Create the Mason Brick: I'll use the Mason CLI to create a new brick for our Flutter boilerplate template. For example, I'll create a brick called flutter_boilerplate by running:

    mason new flutter_boilerplate

    This command will create a new directory called flutter_boilerplate with a brick.yaml file inside it. I'll add the necessary template files and variables to this directory.

  4. Add the Brick to mason.yaml: After creating the Mason Brick, I'll add it to the mason.yaml file in the project directory. For example:

       path: ./flutter_boilerplate/
  5. Publish the Brick (Optional): If we want to make the Mason Brick available to others, we can publish it to a Git repository and reference it in the mason.yaml file. This will allow other developers to easily use our Flutter boilerplate template as a Mason Brick.

By creating a Mason Brick for our Flutter boilerplate template, we'll provide developers with a convenient and standardized way to generate new projects based on our template. This will enhance the reusability and accessibility of our template, making it easier for people to use and contribute to.

I'll keep you all updated on my progress and will be happy to answer any questions or receive any suggestions along the way. Let's make our Flutter boilerplate template even more powerful and user-friendly!
