Esri / calcite-bootstrap

A Calcite theme and a custom build system for building Bootstrap apps.
Apache License 2.0
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Missing CSS and JS files? #296

Open bsvensson opened 7 years ago

bsvensson commented 7 years ago

It seems like and disappeared recently.

Are there new URLs/locations for these? (Or should we not use them?)

ajturner commented 7 years ago

Ping @FelFly

FelFly commented 7 years ago

@bsvensson Yes. We did remove them because this project is no longer running a full instance of Bootstrap and I needed the gh-pages branch to write updated documentation (which I should have sometime this week.) Full story here:

If you have a copy of the javascript files and want to make a PR to add them to the assets folders of the docs like we did for umacgillivray with the CSS files, we can probably add that as a holdover for the old version of this project.

But moving forward, I'm trying to make this into an actual theme that you use on top of the vanilla Bootstrap code - that way folks can have Calcite Bootstrap or customer themes applied and without running two sets of Bootstrap files.

ajturner commented 7 years ago

@klara it would also be helpful if you can write an example of how the library should be used. Show loading bootstrap and then calcite theme.

It might also be helpful to have a "merged version" so it's a single HTTP load

FelFly commented 7 years ago

@ajturner Yes. I have all this written in the calcite-bootstrap-theme repo. I just need to move it over here.

As for a merged version - I don't know what you mean. If you mean that we should have a set of Bootstrap files in this project, I was specifically told by three people in two teams that was the incorrect way to handle a theme and I should remedy it with this version. With this version, there are three paths to running this theme: 1) Run Calcite Bootstrap as strictly Bootstrap variables 2) Run Calcite Bootstrap as Bootstrap variables + expansion variables/CSS to achieve stricter Calcite Web "look" and to have support for card components 3) Run either one of the patterns above, but in the event of a shared theme or customer theme, use that instead

mjuniper commented 7 years ago

It seems to me that the consuming app's build process should produce a single css file that is bootstrap + calcite bootstrap + any other css the app needs.

ajturner commented 7 years ago

Let's presume that most people who create websites don't have a "build process" - instead they "edit HTML and JS files". And it may even be a static website

My assumption is that describes most "Devs". Just try showing any new dev how to start a new project and do builds.

Regardless, we need some "step-by-step" docs in the README for someone who is building a simple, static website.