EstherPlomp / TNW-RDM-101

Self paced materials of the RDM101 course
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Assignment 1 [Nasim Heydari] #54

Closed NasimHeydari closed 12 months ago

NasimHeydari commented 1 year ago


Hi, my name is Nasim Heydari. I am a PhD student in chemical engineering. I started my PhD in September 2022.

Describe your research in 2-3 sentences to someone that is not from your field (please avoid abbreviations)

My research is about CO2 reduction electrolyzers integrating with renewable energy. I am working to develop a model for intermittent operating electrolyzers compatible with the energy profile from renewable sources.

My research entails the following aspects:

Research Aspect Answer
Use/collect personal data (health data, interviews, surveys) No
Use/collect experimental data (lab experiments, measurements with instruments) No
Collaborate with industry No
Write/develop software as the main output of the project Yes
Use code (as in programming) for data analysis Yes
Work with large data (images, simulation models) Yes
Other: N/A

Reflections on the importance of RDM videos

The videos were about why we need RDM and how it helps to avoid disaster and to provide clear data which leads to fewer mistakes. A horror story that comes to my mind is that we sometimes delete our files wrongly and later we realize that we needed the file. I think RDM helps to avoid such issues as well.

What would you like to learn during this course?

I would like to learn how to organize my codes in GitHub, and how to share my codes, so others can add/change the code while having the track. Also, I would like to learn how to provide the codes in GitHub for publication, as some journals ask for it.

Checklist assignments

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Hi @Nasimhd! Thanks for handing in your assignment 1! If you remove the arrow things ( --> <!-- ) when you edit your assignment you can make your answers visible. Let me know if you have any issues with that!

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Hi @Nasimhd! I'll leave my comment for your assignment here so that you have the information in one place.

Thanks for handing in your assignment 2! It looks very comprehensive and clear: well done!

If you need any support navigating GitHub, please let me know!

NasimHeydari commented 1 year ago

Hi @EstherPlomp, Actually, I am still not very familiar with GitHub, I think I shall put in some time, and see some videos to learn how it works, also for saving codes.

Hctr95 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Nasimhd,

Herewith are some comments about your Data Flow Map:

NasimHeydari commented 1 year ago

This is the ReadMe file I provide in one of the sub-folders, which is the folder containing the models I develop: Models.txt

-- General information: This is to explain the two models in the project folder.

Project: dynamic modeling of the electrolyzer. Author: Nasim Heydari TU Delft, PPE, Chemical engineering email:

Folder structure:

. ├── .gitignore ├── ├── ├── README.txt ├── bin <- Compiled and external code, ignored by git (PG) │ └── external <- Any external source code ignored by git (RO) ├── config <- Configuration files (HW) ├── Models <- All codes. │ ├── model 1 <- Code for project 1 (PG). │ ├── model 2 <- Code for project 2 (PG). │ └── examples <- Codes I got from others or found online (RO).

This project contains two models:

-----------------------Model 1 ----------------------------------

-- code information:

Lumped model contaning anode, cathode, membrane, and overvoltages. Assumptions: Isothermal. Hydrogen evolution reaction neglected. inlet flowrate=50sccm T=40 degree C P=1 atm Following parameters are studied: catalyst layer thickness CO2 inlet flowrate

For details of the equations refer to paper ...

---------------------Model 2 -----------------------------------

-- code information:

Dynamic model for the electrolyzer. Assumptions: 2 dimensional. Hydrogen evolution reaction neglected. inlet flowrate=50sccm T=40 degree C P=1 atm Following parameters are studied: current density

For details of the equations refer to paper ...

NasimHeydari commented 1 year ago

Please find my updated data flow map (assignment 3) here:

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your Assignment 3 @Nasimhd! It looks very clear: well done! I only have a couple of pointers, particularly the one under 'Data publication' is relevant:

Documentation: I can recommend the use of notepad ++ - it has some nice visualisation options that also make superfluous spaces in code more visible. Having your code available in a different file as a back up as well can never hurt :)

Metadata: Is the metadata in the file names sufficient to interpret the files and their content? Do you use comments for documentation? I also saw you use readme files, so there is also additional metadata in there (code versioning etc).

File formats:

Data publication: Since I do not see any commercial flags in your data flow map, you do not have valid reasons to keep the data/code under restricted access. So you will need to have a look at how you'll share your data/code publicly underlying your articles and your thesis conclusions via a data repository. See the third bullet point of the policy summary for more information. Keeping the data/code that underlie the figures and the article's conclusions as 'available upon request' is not following the FAIR principles, which are required for PhD candidates at TU Delft. If you have any questions/concerns about this, please let me know!

EstherPlomp commented 1 year ago

This is the ReadMe file I provide in one of the sub-folders, which is the folder containing the models I develop: Models.txt

I think for an internal readme file this is already very clear! Maybe the enters at certain parts are a bit confusing when they address the information field on the line above it. And maybe you can include an explanation about the example folder and clarify how these examples relate to your model (folders)?

BiffoQ commented 1 year ago

Hi Nasim,

you have a detailed folder structure.
