EstherPlomp / TNW-RDM-101

Self paced materials of the RDM101 course
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Assignment 1 Christian Primavera #84

Closed cfprimavera closed 8 months ago

cfprimavera commented 12 months ago


Hi all, I'm Christian, currently in the first year of my PhD at QuTech. I recently moved to Rotterdam, and since then I have enjoyed cycling to and from the university!

Describe your research in 2-3 sentences to someone that is not from your field (please avoid abbreviations)

I focus on creating quantum particles in silicon, which interact strongly with light. The long-term goal of this is to transfer quantum information over long distances, eventually trying to build a quantum internet.

My research entails the following aspects:

Research Aspect Answer
Use/collect personal data (health data, interviews, surveys) No
Use/collect experimental data (lab experiments, measurements with instruments) Yes
Collaborate with industry Yes (probably, but not yet)
Write/develop software as the main output of the project No
Use code (as in programming) for data analysis Yes
Work with large data (images, simulation models) Yes
Other: N/A

Reflections on the importance of RDM videos

Measurement outcomes in quantum mechanics are inherently probabilistic. Results always follow from statistical analyses of large datasets and need to be interpreted. It is therefore very important that anyone else is able to reconstruct the same conclusions from the original dataset.

What would you like to learn during this course?

I would like to learn how to organise recorded data in a way that anyone can understand later on, and how to avoid common mistakes that can lead to loss of progress.

Checklist assignments

eugenhu commented 11 months ago

Hi Christian, looks like a good data flow map. It's funny to think that in the event the TU Delft gitlab server permanently loses everything, the code is still mirrored onto the local computer of your collaborators as extra redundancy.

Maybe one thing you could detail is whether the measurement data is automatically or manually backed up to this online datastore folder, and how often this is done.

pietro-sillano commented 11 months ago

Hi Christian! I reviewed your data flow map, and I find it well-structured. I imagine that you will deal with several designs for experimental setups, how do you track and store the design files? Could you put them under version control using tools like git?

EstherPlomp commented 11 months ago

Thanks for sharing assignment 2 @cfprimavera ! It looks very concise and clear - well done!

Pjieter commented 11 months ago

Hi Christian, Overall your data flow map looks good! I have a few points which might clarify some stuff. Data organisation:



Data publication:

EstherPlomp commented 11 months ago

Thanks for sharing assignment 3 @cfprimavera! Looks great again - well done! Thanks also for adding the file sizes and formats!

I have very little feedback:

Data organisation

File format

Access/Data publication