= Chiliproject/Redmine OTRS2Chili Plugin
Allows to link OTRS Tickets to chili. Multiple OTRS tickets can be linked to one chili ticket, which will contain links
to all of them. Newly created chili tickets will set a custom field to a specific value to allow serching and filtering
for tickets created this way.
== Getting the plugin
A copy of the plugin can be downloaded from {GitHub}[https://github.com/EugenMayer/chiliproject_otrs2_chili]
== Installation and Setup
- Make sure the plugin is installed in +vendor/plugins/chiliproject_otrs2_chili+
- Restart your Chiliproject/Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails)
- Create a custom field for OTRS ticket ids. This field has to use the CustomFieldFormat +OTRS Tickets+ that is added
by the plugin
- Create a custom field for the ticket type. For example you can add a text field called +Type+ with the possible
values +customer+ and +internal+
- Configure the plugin:
- OTRS base link: should look like this 'https://your.otrs.server/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=',
- CORS allowed origin: protocol and domain of your chili/redmine installation. Needed to allow a cross origin api request
- OTRS custom field: name of the custom field created in step 3.
- Ticket Type Custom field and value: enter the name of the field created in step 4. and add a value for all tickets
created via the plugin
- stop words: CSV list of words that are ignored when searching for similar existing tickets, e.g. +the+, +it+, etc.
(google for "stop words" to find a list for your language)
- Number of returned results: how many similar tickets should be shown
- Copy the folder +LinkTicketToChili+ to your OTRS installation and use module-tools to install it
- Create a custom field called +chiliticketid+ in OTRS and use its link property to create a link back to
- Create the role +linktickettochili+ in OTRS and add the users that are allowed to use the module
- OTRS Tickets are set to a special state called "In Bearbeitung" which you shoudl create as a +pending reminder+ state
The name of this state is hard coded atm (TODO: change this). The pending time of the ticket ist also hardcoded to
2 months.you can change both of them in +LinkTicketToChili\Kernel\Modules\AgentLinkTicketToChili.pm+
- Adjust the links in +LinkTicketToChili\Kernel\Output\HTML\Standard\AgentLinkTicketToChili.dtl+ (search for +urlStoreTicketData+)
- Enter your chili API key in your OTRS account settings
== Usage
Select a ticket in OTRS an click the "Link Ticket to chili" action in the ticket action menu. Follow the on-screen instructions.
== License
This plugin is licensed under the GNU AGPL v3. See COPYRIGHT.txt and AGPL.txt for details.
== Sponsoring
The development of this plugin was sponsored by {KontextWork}[http://kontextwork.de]