Evavic44 / sanity-nextjs-site

Modern portfolio site built with Next.js 13, Sanity, Tailwind CSS and TypeScript
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app-dir freecodecamp nextjs nextjs13 portfolio sanity tailwindcss typescript

Sanity.io + NextJS Portfolio Site

A portfolio template built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Sanity.io for content

To use this template for your portfolio site, follow the guide: How to build a Portfolio Site with Sanity and Next.js to learn how to set-up your Sanity account and connect the schema data


Project Overview

Personal Website Studio
Personal Website Sanity Studio

Important files and folders

File(s) Description
sanity.config.ts Config file for Sanity Studio
sanity.client.ts Config file for Sanity CLI
studio Where Sanity Studio is mounted
schemas Where Sanity Studio gets its content types from
sanity.query.ts Where Sanity data is described and retrieved

Run project locally

git clone https://github.com/Evavic44/sanity-nextjs-site.git

cd sanity-nextjs-site

npm install

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 to see your site
Visit http://localhost:3000/studio to edit content

Next steps