EvernodeXRPL / evernode-host

Evernode host installer
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Evernode host announcements #70

Open kithminisg opened 1 year ago

kithminisg commented 1 year ago

This will be used to communicate important updates about Evernode.

Click the Subscribe button on the right pane of this issue to receive notifications when we post updates.

Thank you.

kithminisg commented 1 year ago

We have released Evernode host software updates containing significant improvements. Here are the noteworthy features so you can test them out:

New reading material:

Please try these features out and let us know your feedback via issues.

Thank you.

rippleitinnz commented 1 year ago

Can you turn off LetsEncrypt before installing?

ravinsp commented 1 year ago

@rippleitinnz you can, but then you have to supply your own SSL certs.

kithminisg commented 1 year ago

We have realized some of our hosts are facing issues with Evernode v.5.20 release. There was a bug in that release, which crashed the update process and evernode. Hence, you can check this comment (https://github.com/EvernodeXRPL/evernode-host/issues/72#issuecomment-1408083198) and if you have the same issue please follow the necessary steps to recover your host.

Also, we have added special notices for the following host accounts in the Evernode dashboard regarding that issue.

Thank you.

ravinsp commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

Getting Ready For Launch

We are thrilled to announce that we will soon be relaunching Evernode beta on Hooks V3 testnet. This is the version of the testnet that matches the sidechain announced by XRPL Labs. (https://hooks-testnet-v3.xrpl-labs.com).

So, this switch to v3 is the first step to being ready to launch on their sidechain when it goes live(!)


We anticipate being ready for the switch within the next 7 days. We will provide another update once the new beta is ready for you to register. At that time, you can uninstall your current Evernode installation and install the new beta. Prior to it, we will also be disabling new registrations on the old (Hooks V2) beta registrations.

Switching from V2 to V3

To switch to v3, you will need to install a fresh copy of Evernode on your hosts. Please note that there are a few new system requirements that you must meet before joining the new platform. These are here: https://github.com/EvernodeXRPL/evernode-host#system-requirements.

Getting Ready to Switch

In order to help future airdrop distribution, we request that you preserve your existing beta host address/secret by safely keeping a copy of following files:

This way you will be able to prove you ran a host on V2.

Next Steps

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to your participation in the beta testing.

The Evernode Team

chalith commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone,

Time to Move to V3!

As we announced last week, Evernode is ready to switch its beta to the Hooks V3 test net. This is the "feature complete" version that will launch when the XRPL Labs announced Hooks side chain is also launched (date unknown). It's important we test it in as close to a live environment as possible for as long as possible.

V2 Installation Is Deprecated

As from now, Evernode network on Hooks V2 is now disabled and we will no longer support it or provide updates. Also, the Evernode dashboard now references the V3 network. Please make sure to move your host to V3 network as soon as possible.

Backup Your V2 Secret

As we mentioned, if you previously ran a host, please backup your existing beta host address/secret and uninstall your current Evernode beta installation, which is on Hooks V2. Then, install the Evernode beta using the installation guide that we have provided.

We’re Here to Help

Please go through the guide carefully before starting the installation. If you face any issues or have any concerns throughout the process, please post them in the issues section.

Thank You!

The Evernode Team.

kithminisg commented 1 year ago

Hi Everyone,

We're happy to announce the launch of the latest version of Evernode Host software (v0.6.2). This update includes some notable improvements based on certain community feedback, such as:

In addition, we have made certain modifications to the Governance Game to enhance its stability and simplicity. Furthermore, we have also reduced the time durations associated with some criteria in that, such as:

Thanks and Regards

The Evernode Team

chalith commented 12 months ago

Hi Everyone,

We're happy to announce that we've released a new version of Evernode Host software (v0.6.3) which includes the Evernode Host email update feature.

New version supports following Evernode CLI commands:

Thanks and Regards The Evernode Team

kithminisg commented 8 months ago

Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce the release of the latest version of Sashimono (v0.6.9). This new release comes with a significant enhancement – the ability to facilitate outbound IPv6-enabled leases on your host.

By enabling IPv6 leases, users will now have the option to acquire leases with dedicated outbound IPv6 addresses. This feature is especially valuable when multiple contract instances on your machine connect to the same 3rd-party API. With dedicated IPv6 addresses, your host won't be mistakenly flagged as a DDoS attacker by these APIs.

To take advantage of this feature, please first ensure that your host VM supports IPv6 using the following command ifconfig -a.

If IPv6 support is present, you can then configure your host to enable this feature using the evernode config instance ipv6 command.

NOTE: If your host contains any occupied instances, this reconfiguration cannot proceed. So, you need to either clear them up or wait until they expire.

Thank you !!! The Evernode Team

chalith commented 4 months ago

Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to inform you that we are ready to release latest update (v0.8.1) to the Sashimano. This update brings crucial fixes to enhance the overall user experience.

Release time: 2024 January 18 (Thursday) - 7:00AM UTC

Please take note of the following changes:

How to update your server:

NOTE: If your installation or update fails again, the Sashimano installation will be cleared from your machine. However, the registration will not be cleared. If you are going to install it again, you have to use Evernode transfer and proceed with the transfer installation.

These updates are designed to streamline the installation process and mitigate any issues you may have encountered. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Thank you !!! The Evernode Team

kithminisg commented 4 months ago

Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce that, we have published the latest version of Sashimono (v0.8.1). Please follow the steps mentioned in the previous post to upgrade your host. If you have any issues, please post them in the issues section.

Thank you !!! The Evernode Team

kithminisg commented 4 months ago

Hello Everyone,

We would like to inform you about the recent Sashimono patch update designed to address certain network connectivity issues. To ensure optimal performance and functionality, all hosts are kindly requested to follow the instructions below.

Run the following command to initiate the patch update process for your Message Board bundle.

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EvernodeXRPL/evernode-resources/patch/sashimono/patches/update-message-board.sh | sudo bash -s

The script will automatically restart the Message Board upon the successful completion of the update.

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the patch update process, please reach out to us.

NOTE: This patch update will not result in any modification to the version number.

Thank you !!! The Evernode Team

chalith commented 3 months ago


We're thrilled to announce the release of Evernode v0.8.2, packed with exciting new features and enhancements to elevate your experience. Here's what's new:

New Features and Enhancements:

Updated Rules:

Important Note:

How to Install/Update:


Upgrade to Evernode v0.8.2 and experience the new features!

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to making Evernode a resounding success.

Warm regards,

The Evernode Team

kithminisg commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce the launch of Evernode v0.8.3. This update includes new features and improvements. Below are the highlights of what's new:

New Features and Enhancements:

Initial test version of Evernode Reputation for Future Rewards.

Setting Up:


NOTE: This Reputationd is an isolated process that won't affect other functionalities of your host. It will continually test your instance's disk, memory, and CPU intensiveness by running reputation contracts.

New Hook has for Reputation Management:

Refer here for more info about the current reputation.

NOTE : The reputation assessment isn't fully integrated with Evernode Rewards yet. Depending on the success of this launch, we'll proceed with the integration.

Given WRITE Access to the Contract Directory.

Allow Customized Docker Images.

How to Install/Update:

Upgrade to Evernode v0.8.3 and experience the new features!

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to ensuring Evernode's success.

Warm regards,

The Evernode Team

chalith commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Everyone,

We would like to inform you about the recent Sashimono patch update designed to address certain network connectivity issues that hosts have faced after v0.8.3 upgrade. To ensure optimal performance and functionality, after upgrading to v0.8.3 all hosts are kindly requested to follow the instructions below.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are in version v0.8.3 before you run this patch.

Run the following command to initiate the patch update process for your Message Board bundle.

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EvernodeXRPL/evernode-resources/patch/sashimono/patches/update-message-board.sh | sudo bash -s

The script will automatically restart the Message Board upon the successful completion of the update.

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the patch update process, please reach out to us.

NOTE: This patch update will not result in any modification to the version number.

Thank you !!! The Evernode Team