EvilPort2 / Sign-Language

A very simple CNN project.
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getting com_ error while running fun_util.py and recognize_gestures.py giving no or wrong outputs #9

Open akash1725 opened 6 years ago

akash1725 commented 6 years ago

I'm getting com_error while running fun_util.py. While searching on the net, I found the error to be related to pyttsx3 but i'm not able to locate the exact problem. Can you help me with this??

EvilPort2 commented 6 years ago

Can't help you without knowing the computer's software specifications and the exact error message. Sorry

akash1725 commented 6 years ago

About recognize_gesture.py, this program worked. But when showing the hand signs, most of the time it is not showing any output whereas some other time it is showing "love" as the output. My computer's specification is 4gb RAM, Intel core i5 with NVIDIA GEFORCE graphic card.

EvilPort2 commented 6 years ago

It means that the recognition is not happening perfectly. Did you run the set_hand_hist.py file first before running fun_util.py or recognize_gesture.py?

akash1725 commented 6 years ago

Yes, i did that. As far as I understood, that is for setting the image background and lighting conditions. Does the accuracy suffer in too bright or too dim lighting conditions? And what should I keep in mind (like lighting conditions or distance between camera and hand) while running the code so that it gives output similar to the video you have uploaded

EvilPort2 commented 6 years ago

In the video if you see the 'thresh' window, you will notice that it contains the outline of my hand and nothing else. In your case you should see your hands' outline, if you have set the hand histogram right. That is the perfect setting.

akash1725 commented 6 years ago

i found that with changing the thresholding changes the output...like earlier it was detecting 'A' very well, now it doesnt. So just wanted to make sure whether the way i am doing thresholding is correct or not..in that 5*10 green box we have to place our hand so that the thresholded image has white region only where the hands are. What if it makes other region white as well if it has the skin color (like arms and face). Also is it fine if the box contains only the palm area (it fills it completely) or it should contain fingers as well?? I am assuming we have to place the palm area in the green box, not the other side of hand. And if you have a video where you have shown how thresholding is done by you, it would be really helpful...

EvilPort2 commented 6 years ago

Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYfBLeYDMW4&feature=youtu.be

cvyjojo commented 5 years ago

still, give me wrong outport after setting up the histogram

cvyjojo commented 5 years ago

is it because you have merge other projects also with this model???

EvilPort2 commented 5 years ago

Please download the latest repo. I have fixed those issues