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ExaWorks SDK
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Swift Sphinx error #170

Open j-woz opened 1 year ago

j-woz commented 1 year ago

Can someone post what error occurs with Sphinx? Maybe there is some syntax I can fix or hide from Sphinx to avoid the issue?

mturilli commented 1 year ago

In SDK doc, we use nbsphinx to manage jupyter notebooks. If you commit the notebook without running the cells, nbsphinx will try to run it at compilation time. That happens also when readthedocs pulls the repo and compiles the documents via Sphynx.

You can try to build the documentation on your local machine by cloning the SDK repository, renaming the notebook to swift-t.ipynb and then run the command sphinx-build -b html source _build from within docs. Note that I use a dedicated python virtual environment in which I install the required modules (see docs/source/requirements.txt).

A quick and dirty solution is to push the notebook to the repository after (successfully) running it in your local environment. That will not trigger nbsphinx recompilation.