[ ] Given supercell q, superstructure, supercell matrix that produced it, and a supercell eigenvector, provide probabilities associated with each quotient space Q for each vi
[x] Find all the Q vectors (trivial if we restrict ourselves to HNF supercell mats)
although that limitation should be checked (is_hnf)
actually, let's cheese it even further. Diagonal only.
actually not so trivial because FBZ is centered around gamma. Cases for even and odd n look different. Gross.
we're going to need weights to handle boundary points.
[x] Selection of sampling points within an FBZ (easy for "fast" (parallelepiped) FBZ, not sure about true (voronoi) FBZ)
[x] gamma only for now
[ ] Summation over labeled quantities
[ ] label by metadata and cartesian axis
[ ] Once that is working, factor out things that don't depend on the eigenvector so we can have a fast method of doing many eigenvectors at once