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[$250] Hybrid app - Settings - 'Two Factor authentication' button does not work #56368

Open dylanexpensify opened 5 days ago

dylanexpensify commented 5 days ago

Reproducible in production?: Yes

Expected Result:

The user is able to access Two Factor Authentication feature.

Actual Result:

An error is triggered after tapping on 'Two Factor Authentication' button.

Action Performed:

  1. Open Hybrid app
  2. Log in
  3. Go to OD
  4. Tap on Hamburger button > Settings > Two Factor Authentication





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Upwork Automation - Do Not Edit
  • Upwork Job URL: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~021886841384089185594
  • Upwork Job ID: 1886841384089185594
  • Last Price Increase: 2025-02-04
Issue OwnerCurrent Issue Owner: @mananjadhav
melvin-bot[bot] commented 5 days ago

Job added to Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~021886841384089185594

melvin-bot[bot] commented 5 days ago

Current assignee @dylanexpensify is eligible for the Bug assigner, not assigning anyone new.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 5 days ago

Triggered auto assignment to Contributor-plus team member for initial proposal review - @mananjadhav (External)

rdipippo commented 4 days ago

According to the README, working on the hybrid app requires access to https://github.com/Expensify/Mobile-Expensify

How do I get this access?

wahas-mughal commented 4 days ago

@dylanexpensify the attached video is not playing.

melvin-bot[bot] commented 4 days ago

📣 @wahas-mughal! 📣 Hey, it seems we don’t have your contributor details yet! You'll only have to do this once, and this is how we'll hire you on Upwork. Please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you've read and understood the contributing guidelines.
  2. Get the email address used to login to your Expensify account. If you don't already have an Expensify account, create one here. If you have multiple accounts (e.g. one for testing), please use your main account email.
  3. Get the link to your Upwork profile. It's necessary because we only pay via Upwork. You can access it by logging in, and then clicking on your name. It'll look like this. If you don't already have an account, sign up for one here.
  4. Copy the format below and paste it in a comment on this issue. Replace the placeholder text with your actual details. Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 4 42 54 PM Format:
    Contributor details
    Your Expensify account email: <REPLACE EMAIL HERE>
    Upwork Profile Link: <REPLACE LINK HERE>
dylanexpensify commented 4 days ago

@wahas-mughal shows for me??

mananjadhav commented 4 days ago

@dylanexpensify Doesn't work for me either.


rdipippo commented 4 days ago

@dylanexpensify Same for me, it doesn't play. Also, does working this issue require access to https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/url? If so, how do I get access?

dylanexpensify commented 4 days ago

Ah my apologies, let me update!

dylanexpensify commented 4 days ago

updated, can eveyone try again? cc @mananjadhav

rdipippo commented 4 days ago

@dylanexpensify Still can't see it...I tried clearing my cache and refreshing.

mananjadhav commented 3 days ago

@dylanexpensify I can't see it too.

dylanexpensify commented 3 days ago

Bagh. Ok, hmm, give me a second

dylanexpensify commented 3 days ago

@vincdargento can you please attach the video you have for this to the OP?

hoangzinh commented 3 days ago

It seems a BE issue. API returns error.


vincdargento commented 2 days ago

@dylanexpensify I can actually play the video, not sure why others can't. I am also reuploading here, if that helps


melvin-bot[bot] commented 4 hours ago

@mananjadhav, @dylanexpensify Uh oh! This issue is overdue by 2 days. Don't forget to update your issues!