Open dylanexpensify opened 5 days ago
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Current assignee @dylanexpensify is eligible for the Bug assigner, not assigning anyone new.
Triggered auto assignment to Contributor-plus team member for initial proposal review - @mananjadhav (External
According to the README, working on the hybrid app requires access to
How do I get this access?
@dylanexpensify the attached video is not playing.
📣 @wahas-mughal! 📣 Hey, it seems we don’t have your contributor details yet! You'll only have to do this once, and this is how we'll hire you on Upwork. Please follow these steps:
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@wahas-mughal shows for me??
@dylanexpensify Doesn't work for me either.
@dylanexpensify Same for me, it doesn't play. Also, does working this issue require access to If so, how do I get access?
Ah my apologies, let me update!
updated, can eveyone try again? cc @mananjadhav
@dylanexpensify Still can't see it...I tried clearing my cache and refreshing.
@dylanexpensify I can't see it too.
Bagh. Ok, hmm, give me a second
@vincdargento can you please attach the video you have for this to the OP?
It seems a BE issue. API returns error.
@dylanexpensify I can actually play the video, not sure why others can't. I am also reuploading here, if that helps
@mananjadhav, @dylanexpensify Uh oh! This issue is overdue by 2 days. Don't forget to update your issues!
Reproducible in production?: Yes
Expected Result:
The user is able to access Two Factor Authentication feature.
Actual Result:
An error is triggered after tapping on 'Two Factor Authentication' button.
Action Performed:
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Upwork Automation - Do Not Edit
Issue Owner
Current Issue Owner: @mananjadhav