Expensify / react-native-share-menu

A module for React Native that adds your app to the share menu of the device
MIT License
649 stars 237 forks source link

Maintenance status? #254

Closed lindboe closed 9 months ago

lindboe commented 1 year ago

My team is evaluating using this library, and we notice that there haven't been updates in about a year, while there are waiting PRs and issues with newer versions of React Native (like this example). We'd be happy to work on contributing, but if pull requests aren't currently being addressed that would not be possible.

What is this project's maintenance status? Are you looking for maintainers? Is it best to fork?

Tagging @caiosba as you have the most recent commits, and @Gustash as you're mentioned as a maintainer.

Thanks for your time.

caiosba commented 1 year ago

Yes, I haven't been able to review the PRs for a long time. Would be great if someone is interested in maintaining it. We should probably fork since it's under an organization account that is not supporting the project anymore.

acopetkovic commented 1 year ago

Hi @lindboe, did you manage to successfully include this library in your project? I'm currently looking for a solution since share extension / share intent is big part of my side project. Please let me know if this or maybe other library can be used for both Android and iOS since I didn't have much luck finding good solution. Thanks!

saif-o99 commented 1 year ago

@caiosba @lindboe guys did anyone forked this project to replace this one? I'd like to contribute

lindboe commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes, @caiosba we'd like to help with maintenance. We specifically want to use this library for Expensify, so it would be good to get a maintainer from Infinite Red like myself for the project, but also someone from the Expensify team (I can get a name soon). Does that work for you @caiosba?

caiosba commented 1 year ago

@lindboe yes that would be great! maybe we can even discuss it? I would like to see how I can help with limited availability too and hand off this project

lindboe commented 1 year ago

@caiosba Sure thing! What kind of discussion are you thinking of? Here is good, or if it's to chat more frequently, we have the Infinite Red community Slack, or we're happy to set up a Zoom call. @jamonholmgren (Infinite Red's CTO) would be good to involve as well.

caiosba commented 1 year ago

Yeah we can keep talking here. I'm thinking that we could fork/move this project to another organization (maybe its own?) and have other people as maintainers to the project. We can start by just adding a couple of new maintainers, and also for the NPM package. Happy to jump sometime on a quick Zoom call for introductions and to get things on faster if needed.

jamonholmgren commented 1 year ago

Just my 2 cents ... if Expensify will be funding the majority of ongoing development going forward, I'd probably recommend that we move it to their Github org. It tends to accomplish two things -- make it feel worthwhile for them to invest in it, and also give them a sense of ownership that helps for long-term sustainability. (I get there are other factors involved though!)

lindboe commented 1 year ago

Hi @caiosba, following up. Expensify would like to bring this project into their organization. @andrewgable from Expensify would be the maintainer to add from their side, and I can be a maintainer for the Infinite Red side to fix some of the issues we ran into. Does that work for you?

caiosba commented 1 year ago

Yes, that works for me, thanks @lindboe . I just ask that we please keep the mention to Meedan as initial sponsor and supporter of this work (e.g., in the README). How does it sound?

lindboe commented 1 year ago

That sounds reasonable to me, but I'll leave it up to @andrewgable to confirm. (I think it would be a good idea to add a comment in the README to ensure that isn't removed.)

AndrewGable commented 1 year ago

Yes, totally fine to keep the original maintainers and sponsors included 👍

jamonholmgren commented 1 year ago

Totally reasonable, and thank you @caiosba and Meedan for your hard work on this library over the years!

acopetkovic commented 1 year ago

Where can I follow the progress of forked repo? I would love to use it.

lindboe commented 1 year ago

We should be able to transfer the repo to Expensify instead of forking it. That would make for the smooth transition, GitHub would transfer over everything relevant and redirect people.

MichaelReaNZ commented 1 year ago

This a great idea, newer versions of React Native and Expo support would be amazing.

frozencap commented 1 year ago

Awesome stuff

Hopefully this collab will also move the # 3 feature request on Expo forward :)


lindboe commented 1 year ago

@caiosba is there anything else you need in order to proceed?

caiosba commented 1 year ago

@lindboe , I think I need to have access to the destination organization in order to be able to move it over.

lindboe commented 1 year ago

@AndrewGable How would you like to handle the transfer steps? I believe, from reading the transfer docs, the repo owner needs to be the one to do the transfer, and that person also needs to be able to create repositories on the target organization. So the two possibilities are:

  1. Give @caiosba access to create repos on the Expensify org
  2. @caiosba would transfer ownership to @AndrewGable's personal account, and then Andrew would transfer ownership to the Expensify org from there
caiosba commented 1 year ago

Either works for me, just let me know :)

caiosba commented 1 year ago

Then we need to see what/if we need to do anything on the NPM registry side.

AndrewGable commented 1 year ago

@caiosba - I think it would be easiest to transfer to my personal org, I will make sure it moves over to Expensify Org. Also my NPM user name is the same (AndrewGable), or if you can transfer it to the Expensify Org on NPM I have access there too.

caiosba commented 1 year ago

I had to transfer the repository first to my personal account, but it's now being transferred to @AndrewGable.

AndrewGable commented 1 year ago

FYI - Repo has been transferred to Expensify Org.

bytehala commented 1 year ago

Happy to see that this project will live on. I'm open to contributing as well, watching for contribution guidelines.

jadhaidar commented 1 year ago

Happy to contribute as well.

lssilveira11 commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! Any news about future releases or PRs merges? I think there's some important PRs like #260 that would be great to be accepted.

skitscha commented 11 months ago

@caiosba Would you be able to review some of the PRs sitting out there?

MichaelReaNZ commented 10 months ago

Haven't seen any changes in a long time is this project still alive?

Why is it so hard for a shareTo on an app in 2023... 😭

lindboe commented 9 months ago

Hey folks, sorry for the delay, we've been in the middle of planning out this project further.

We've got a plan for the updates we're going to make to specifically support Expensify here: #294.

As I say on the linked issue, if you have concerns that we don't plan to address, and you'd like to submit a PR yourself, please discuss with us on #294, and we'll make a plan together.

lindboe commented 9 months ago

Closing this issue out as we have more specific tickets to work on now, and we can follow up on any handoff needed for managing releases on https://github.com/Expensify/react-native-share-menu/issues/289.

walshie4 commented 4 days ago

Is this still the case? Appears to have very little movement recently

Also just noticed this https://github.com/Expensify/react-native-share-menu/issues/293#issuecomment-2240379959 which makes me believe it is no longer being maintained.