ExperiencersInternational / DisableCoreGUIFunctions

A plugin designed to make disabling default TopBar icons and some settings in the Roblox menu easier.
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Plugin can be messy with multiple scripts being created #3

Open ExperiencersInternational opened 3 years ago

ExperiencersInternational commented 3 years ago

Sometimes, this plugin can create an amount of scripts that users may have an issue with. I have been quoted a script that might help to solve this but I'm not sure how to implement this.

local Widget = nil local ScrollingFrame = Widget.ScrollingFrame local CoreGUIManager = { { Name = "LocalCoreGUIManager", Location = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts, Options = { {name = "Chat", code = "bla bla bla..."}, {name = "HealthBar", code = "bla bla bla..."}, {name = "Backpack", code = "bla bla bla..."} }, Object = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts:FindFirstChild("LocalCoreGUIManager"), Type = "LocalScript" }, { Name = "ServerCoreGUIManager", Location = workspace, Options = { {name = "ShiftLockSwitch", code = "bla bla bla..."}, }, Object = workspace:FindFirstChild("ServerCoreGUIManager"), Type = "Script" } } for _, manager in pairs(CoreGUIManager) do if not manager.Object then local lua = Instance.new(manager.Type, manager.Location) lua.Name = manager.Name for _, option in pairs(manager.Options) do local save = Instance.new("BoolValue", lua) save.Name = option.name save.Value = false end manager.Object = lua end if manager.Object then for _, option in pairs(manager.Options) do local toggle = Instance.new("TextButton", ScrollingFrame) toggle.Name = option.name toggle.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local save = manager.Object:FindFirstChild(option.name) if save then if save.Value then -- if you find the code responsible for this option, remove it else -- add the code to the manager for this option end -- 'option.code' contains the code save.Value = not save.Value end end) end end end

Thank you to Daw588 for this script suggestion.

TyNoOutlet commented 3 years ago

Oh wait, I think I see what you're saying. Not duplicate scripts, but many separate scripts.