Eyepea / aiosip

SIP support for AsyncIO (DEPRECATED)
Apache License 2.0
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INVITE comformance issues #124

Open vodik opened 6 years ago

vodik commented 6 years ago

Related to #123, seems like there are a few issues with invites now. Making a super issue to track everything:

vodik commented 6 years ago

@ovv I'm just going to bite the bullet and rewrite/cleanup the dialog and transaction module. There is far too much technical debt int there - I couldn't find a quick fix.

ovv commented 6 years ago

@vodik Good idea. If possible having a common class for Dialog and DialogRequest (if we decide to go #119 way) would be nice.

If you are re-working that I'll leave those parts alone. I plan to work a bit on the Auth since I would like to support qop.

vodik commented 6 years ago

Go for it. And for what its worth, we're also testing ursine internally as well and it seems really promising as well.