EzerIT / BibleOL

Web-based instruction in Biblical Hebrew and Greek
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Forward-Backward movements within and exercise #52

Open oliverglanz opened 4 months ago

oliverglanz commented 4 months ago

Many students and instructors complain that they cannot change previous answers provided while doing an exercise. As an example: In a morphology exercise you are presented with 10 verbal forms. You are working on question no4 and realize that you filled in a morphological category wrongly in question no2. You know the answer and want to repair your "wrong answer" before submitting your exercise for grading. This is, however, not possible. Particularly in an exam context it would be important to allow students to revisit their answers before they submit their exercise/exam for grading.

ernstboogert commented 4 months ago

Hi @oliverglanz , thank you for passing forward the observation by your students. This is a very helpful comment. We will have to look into it why it does not allow to change the answer. We put this on our todo-list.

ernstboogert commented 4 months ago

Hi @oliverglanz, I have been thinking about this issue a little more. I think that in a exam, the student should be able to go back and forth till they complete and grade the whole exam. In an regular exercise context, I am not so sure whether it makes sense or whether we want it. There the student is in the process of learning, and it makes sense for the teacher to know where the students make the most mistakes. Because of that, I would rather not have the option to move backward to correct. There it is about learning, not so much about doing it perfect. However, feel free to disagree. Its all open for discussion!

I will keep this issue 'on hold' till we have a proper plan to implement the back button and the reasoning behind.

oliverglanz commented 4 months ago

Hi Ernst, I can follow your reasoning. However, most of the time exercises are actually being graded. All my colleagues here at AU (teaching Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic) use exercises for grading. In this way they can prevent daily quizzes to take place within the class room (taking away teaching time). Thus, exercises are like mini-exam. Therefore, I (representing my AU colleagues and students) would very much appreciate a back button. WHen creating an exercise the instructor could choose to allow/dissallow for the usage of the "back" button.

Of, course, you are in charge and will be able to identify the priority of desiderata. For us at AU this would have a very high priority. Anyway, I have removed the "on hold" button for now and am happy to further discuss this.

ernstboogert commented 3 months ago

Hi @oliverglanz , thank for your further explanation. I can see the value of the back-button and we will put it high on our priority. We will update you when we have made any progress on this. You have convinced me.

PS Although I am in charge, my main priority is to carefully listen to the community to make the right choices with regard to the development of the platform... I appreciate your help and suggestions very much!

oliverglanz commented 3 months ago

Thanks so much, @ernstboogert . Looking forward to the implementation.