F5Networks / f5-cloud-libs

Node.js libraries to assist in cloud deployments.
Apache License 2.0
29 stars 14 forks source link

F5 Licensing is not working in KVM #35

Closed KodiakF5Team closed 1 year ago

KodiakF5Team commented 3 years ago

I am trying to use cloud-libs in F5 Licensing using as below in ansible

tmsh run util bash -c "mkdir -p /config/licensing; cd /config/licensing; npm --loglevel=error install @f5devcentral/f5-cloud-libs

tmsh license big-ip-mgmt-address {{ server }} path \"/config/licensing/node_modules/@f5devcentral/f5-cloud-libs\" log-level debug user {{ user }} password {{ password|b64decode }} license {{ F5License }}"

when executing it is exiting with below error

    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.636Z debug: [pid: 3470] [scripts/onboard.js]  ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.636Z info: [pid: 3470] [scripts/onboard.js] Licensing. ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.638Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js] list localhost /shared/echo/available ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.644Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js]  ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.646Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js] list localhost /shared/identified-devices/config/device-info/available ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.651Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js]  ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.651Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js] list localhost /tm/sys/available ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.661Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js]  ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.663Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js] list localhost /tm/cm/available ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.672Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js]  ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.673Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js] list localhost /shared/iapp/package-management-tasks/available ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.678Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js]  ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.680Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/bigIp.js] list localhost /tm/sys/mcp-state ",
    **"2021-06-30T05:20:46.685Z debug: [pid: 3470] [lib/ipc.js] Sending signal ONBOARD_DONE ",
    "2021-06-30T05:20:46.685Z info: [pid: 3470] [lib/util.js] ERROR signaled from other script. Exiting "**,