F5Networks / f5-google-gdm-templates

Google Deployment Templates for quickly deploying BIG-IP services in Google Cloud Platform
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document how to access nic1 for remote ssh access w/ multi-nic templates #18

Closed chen23 closed 5 years ago

chen23 commented 5 years ago

Do you already have an issue opened with F5 support?



When you deploy with multi-nic it would be helpful to provide a snippet of HOW to connect to nic1. We mention that we swap the interfaces, but no guidance on how to access it. Something simple like.

Connecting to nic1

When you use the Google Console / gcloud CLI tool it will connect to the public IP of nic0 by default To access your BIG-IP via SSH you will need to connect to nic1's public IP instead. You can either load your own public ssh key or reference the SSH key that is generated by the gcloud command (on Linux/Mac ~/.ssh and Windows /users/[username]/.ssh).


multi-nic templates

Severity Level

Severity: 5

wduongf5 commented 5 years ago

Hi Eric,

Thanks for reporting the issue. I created an internal tracking number 1162 for this issue.

simonkowallik commented 5 years ago

gcloud compute ssh only targets nic0, therefore it is not possible to use it. The same applies to the SSH button in the VM instances list within the GCP Cloud Console.

Here is how I do it using gcloud and openssh from my Mac.

Make sure you have setup the Google Cloud SDK which provides you with the gcloud cli.

Check if you have a default project set

> gcloud config get-value project

If you don't not either set it via gcloud config set project <gcpProject> or specify --project <gcpProject> with every gcloud command.

List all compute instances which names contain 'bigip':

> gcloud compute instances list --filter 'name:(bigip)'
NAME         ZONE            MACHINE_TYPE   INTERNAL_IP                         EXTERNAL_IP                   STATUS
bigip1-f5-a  asia-east2-a    n1-standard-4                                RUNNING
bigip1-f5-b  europe-west6-a  n1-standard-2                                   RUNNING
bigip1-f5-c  us-east1-b      n1-standard-2                                RUNNING
bigip1-f5-d  us-east2-a      n1-standard-2                                RUNNING
bigip1-f5-e  europe-west4-b  n1-standard-4,,,   RUNNING
#                                           |  nic0  | |   nic1  | |   nic2  |  |    nic0    | |   nci1   |
#                                                      |_________|                             |__________|
#                                                           ^                                        ^
#                                                internal management IP                   external management IP

Add ssh public key to VM instance

This step only required when you haven't added your public key to the project For more details visit: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/adding-removing-ssh-keys

> echo "$USER:$(cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | cut -d' ' -f1,2) $USER" > ./myGCPpubKey

> gcloud compute instances add-metadata bigip1-f5-e --metadata-from-file ssh-keys=./myGCPpubKey
No zone specified. Using zone [europe-west4-b] for instance: [bigip1-f5-e].
Updated [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/black-transport-233607/zones/europe-west4-b/instances/bigip1-f5-e].

Reboot BIG-IP (only required after first deployment)

gcloud compute instances stop bigip1-f5-e --zone europe-west4-b 
gcloud compute instances start bigip1-f5-e --zone europe-west4-b 

Read the Management natIP/public IP address from VM instance accessConfig

using jq

> gcloud --format json compute instances describe bigip1-f5-e | jq '.networkInterfaces[].accessConfigs[]? | select(.name == "Management NAT") | .natIP'
No zone specified. Using zone [europe-west4-b] for instance: [bigip1-f5-e].

or awk

> gcloud --format json compute instances describe bigip1-f5-e | awk '/Management NAT/ {m=1} /.natIP/ {if (m==1) print $2}'
No zone specified. Using zone [europe-west4-b] for instance: [bigip1-f5-e].

ssh into BIG-IP

> ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -l admin
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:m+Te9Pah0PnMTeyXUtx2nW142H84+uiGJD/VE+zuhMY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@(bigip1-f5-e)(cfg-sync Standalone)(ModuleNotLicensed::Active)(/Common)(tmos)#
jsevedge commented 5 years ago

Release v3.0.0 cleaned up the prerequisites and configuration notes to 1) show what ssh key to use as well as 2) to utilize the second NIC for mgmt in multi-nic instances.