Proposed modification adds the new advanced settings category Milling and
the Sacrificial Layer Thickness setting. Modification addressed Maintenance
leveling routines to account for a higher bed height than on heated bed side
of the build platform. This modification has been tested with my FABtotum, and
seems to work. However more testing would be prudent.
Files Modified
Added jquery.number plugin for Settings in-place browser floating point number
Added jquerry.number plugin for in-place number formatting
Added milling sacrificial layer offset form server post processing
Added Milling category and Sacrificial Layer Offset parameter to
browser view
Added jquery.number for in-place previous floating point fields and proposed
milling sacrificial layer offset field to browser view. Aim to replace default
unicode formatted json printer config file using JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK
option in PHP json_encode calls. Rids us of the python float casts littered
throughout the codebase as python will pick up numerics as float during dictionary
dictionary accesses into json encoded data.
Modification for milling sacrificial layer offset. Without the offset the bed leveling
script brings the bed far too close for the probe to fully extend.
Rational for Beautifier
PHP code has been run through php-cs-fixer to beautify code. Normalizing code
blocks may be a bit of nitpicking but it does make the code easier to grok.
Proposed modification adds the new advanced settings category Milling and the Sacrificial Layer Thickness setting. Modification addressed Maintenance leveling routines to account for a higher bed height than on heated bed side of the build platform. This modification has been tested with my FABtotum, and seems to work. However more testing would be prudent.
Files Modified
Rational for Beautifier
PHP code has been run through php-cs-fixer to beautify code. Normalizing code blocks may be a bit of nitpicking but it does make the code easier to grok.