SAMO (Week3 Project/ Pure functions and testing/ SAMO)
Our Site's link:
Website structure 1- The Header:The header contains an image that reflects the idea of the project, and input box and a button when pressed. Adds what the user wrote in the iput box to list .
Our User Story 1-The user writes the text that he wants to add to the list. 2-Press the Add button to add what you wrote to list. 3-There are two delete buttons and the ones that are finished or not. 4-The user can click on the button that has been created to show him a list. 5-The user can press the button of things that have not been done to show him a list of it.
Our User Journey The idea is to write a user's notebook and add it to the list of things that he wants to be able to mark the things that have finished his work or get rid of them.
Architecture We used the following technologies: 1- HTML. 2- CSS. 3- JavaScript.
Our file structure consists of: 1- index.html. 2- style.css. 3- JS folder: dom.js & test.js.&logic.js 3-assets
Team : 1- aman shawar 2-orjwan rajabi 3- safa amro 4- motaz mohtaseb
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