@mondus encountered an issue where CUDA 12.3 and 11.7 include paths were being added to compilation commands on windows
CMake was finding CUDA 12.3
Thrust 1.17.2 was being downloaded (as thrust >= 1.16 was not being found / msvc workaround soup was preventing it)
Thrust 1.15 from CUDA 11.7 was being found due to some env vars.
We could probbaly make our CMake more specific when fetching and finding packages, by ensuring more default options are disabled, and requiring the exact version which has been fetched.
Hints should be used rather than PATHS too if being pedantic (for paths based on other cmake vars, not hard coded locations).
@mondus has modified his env vars so we no longer have a system to test any fixes for this.
Related to #317
Probably worth considering when fixing #1223 as the same files will be touched / processes changed.
Thrust/cub specifically migth not be worth fixing, but rahter double checking CMake in #1155
@mondus encountered an issue where CUDA 12.3 and 11.7 include paths were being added to compilation commands on windows
We could probbaly make our CMake more specific when fetching and finding packages, by ensuring more default options are disabled, and requiring the exact version which has been fetched.
Hints should be used rather than PATHS too if being pedantic (for paths based on other cmake vars, not hard coded locations).
@mondus has modified his env vars so we no longer have a system to test any fixes for this.
Related to #317
Probably worth considering when fixing #1223 as the same files will be touched / processes changed.
Thrust/cub specifically migth not be worth fixing, but rahter double checking CMake in #1155