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Only capture relevant feilds in logs #486

Open alrijleh opened 2 months ago

alrijleh commented 2 months ago

Currently the logs contain many fields that may not be relevant to a particular vehicle's configuration. Preventing these from being captured in a the logs would make them easier to navigate. Fields that could be switched off based on conditions:

Cylinders enabled Ign: Timing Cyl # knock cyl # mapPerCylinder #

if ETB ETB Target/Duty rawTpsSecondary rawPpsPrimary/secondary

TCU control enabled TCU *

if respective sensor is configured Accelerometer Gyro Aux speed, linear, etc EGT Feul level, Ethanol, pressure oil pressure/temp rawAnalogInput # Turbocharger speed

knock enabled knock retard, level, threshold, cyl

if blend enabled ignBlendBias/output/parameter veBlendBias/output/parameter

if output enabled GPPWM 1-4

if VSS detected gear gearbox ratio vehicle speed vss accel vss edge counter

if closed loop boost Boost lua, target, output wastegateDc*

if VVT vvtTargets, output