FRC5549Robotics / 5549-2020

FRC Team 5549's 2019-2020 Robot Code
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Automatic Tracking and Collection of Power Cells #18

Open dylantknguyen opened 4 years ago

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

Implement a button that will allow the driver to automatically collect power cells. No camera feed would be sent to the driver stations in order to stay under the camera limit..


  1. Detect Ball
  2. Move Towards Ball
  3. Run Intake + Indexer

The most difficult part is detecting the ball. Discussion to whether to use the below method or Dylan's code will have to take place.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

After a discussion with Driver Sam, he said that this would make his life more difficult since it would remove any driver control. Because of this, we have decided not to implement this.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

This issue is being reopened and looked into. The plan is to use this system for autonomous.

A Raspberry Pi 4 4GB will be used as another co-processor with a camera attached to it. The camera will be on top of the intake and pointed towards the ground. Ideally, the robot will be able to autonomously detects balls and move towards it.

dylantknguyen commented 4 years ago

It has been figured out that a camera can be plugged into the limelight. We will be looking into that in the future.