Parallel trace-fitting software for DDAS
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Use cmake #17

Open aschester opened 6 days ago

aschester commented 6 days ago

part of the project already uses cmake, as we require it for the ddasformat library. some really ugly makefile stuff like

QT_VERSION_GT_511=$(shell qmake -qt=5 --version | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 4 | awk -F. '$$1 >= 5 && $$2 >= 11') ifeq ($(QT_VERSION_GT_511),) BUILD_TRACEVIEW=0 $(info Qt version 5.11+ required to build traceview but found $(shell qmake -qt=5 --version | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 2-), skipping) endif

is used to enforce package dependency (also to check for cmake so that we can build the format library!). since we're already using cmake to build the submodule we incorp, perhaps we can just use it for the whole project.