Open asdfjkluiop opened 1 week ago
Why not just add a ip addr 2001:db8::X/32
under lo? What is your actual use case?
It allows for entire ranges to be bound to services as I noted originally. I often bind services to different IPs with each server getting a /64. All of my servers have non-local binding enabled often using IP instead of port to identify services so all services can use a well known port. In other instances I have services bound to wildcard and the IP for a given service is dynamically assigned by the service itself, it's impractical to add every IP the server should respond to to the loopback interface by hand when all that's know during server provisioning is the IP is somewhere in 2001:db8::/64
frr currently does not have the ability to add local routes, it can add routes to the local table but has no equivalent of
ip route add local 2001:db8::/32 dev lo
which allows for entire ranges to be responded to by the host in question. This is a short fall I currently work around with using bash scripts but it would be nice if staticd had native support for it.