FTC11940 / 2023-PowerPlay

BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Using vision at start to make decisions in Auton #39

Closed JediScoy closed 1 year ago

JediScoy commented 1 year ago

Proof of concept is working on dev branch. I have added signalOnePark( ) method, signalTwoPark( ) method and signalThreePark( ) to Red 25 as proof of concepts. Vuforia to be integrated soon @lvanscoyoc

JediScoy commented 1 year ago
  1. EasyOpenCV on Github
  2. 6547 video tutorial
  3. 6547 tutorial video - placing in control hub
JediScoy commented 1 year ago

EasyOpenCV on Github

Installation instructions (Android Studio): IMPORTANT NOTE: These instructions assume you are starting with a clean SDK project. This library includes the OpenCV Android SDK, so if you have already installed OpenCV in your project through the traditional means, you will need to remove it first. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error that multiple files define the same class.

IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Do NOT locally clone and/or import this project unless you want to develop this library itself! If you're just a normal user, follow the below instructions verbatim.

Remove both references to "arm64-v8a" described in debug and release blocks, leaving "armeabi-v7a" untouched: *If you already had "arm64-v8a" removed, no further changes are needed

**This step is needed because the OpenCV native library is compiled for 32-bit, and Android applications cannot load both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries at the same time. Otherwise, a warning will be shown when opening the app, indicating that OpenCV-enabled OpModes will crash.

JediScoy commented 1 year ago

Most of setup is complete (see checklist above) Next step is looking at examples (already copied to dev-auton branch) and customizing OpenFTC/EOCV-AprilTag-Plugin

JediScoy commented 1 year ago

Fully functional! Maybe some minor tweaks on parking, but 100% accuracy reading AprilTag