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Smart Chute unlocking breaks Dropperline Behaviour across Chunkborders #951

Open theglotzerify opened 10 months ago

theglotzerify commented 10 months ago

Describe the Bug

a smart chute unlocking while a dropperline fires across a chunk border makes an item get left behind in the dropperline.

Reproduction Steps

Smart Chute Unlocking Bug.zip

  1. hit the green button and watch the item go through the dropperline without getting left behind
  2. hit the red button which unlocks a smart chute and see the item get left behind in the dropper at the chunk border

Expected Result

the dropperline should always behave the same and should not be effected by the smart chute in the chunk

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods


Additional Context

No response

theglotzerify commented 10 months ago

brass funnels have the same behavior. can use the same world download and just replace the smart chute and bottom barrel with brass funnel under the top barrel

theglotzerify commented 10 months ago

also the barrels arent even needed at all for either setups. just the action of the smart chute or brass funnel unlocking messes up the dropper line. based on what specifically causes this other components might have the same issue

theglotzerify commented 10 months ago

also locking messes it up 2023-06-04_15 16 45 here to recreate