Facepunch / garrysmod-requests

Feature requests for Garry's Mod
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add CBaseViewModel::m_flCycleOffset to allow ViewModel.SetCycle to work #2476

Open homonovus opened 2 hours ago

homonovus commented 2 hours ago


CS:GO added a variable to CBaseViewModel that I believe would let us set the cycle arbitrarily for viewmodels changing ENT:SetCycle to accommodate for ViewModels would allow lua to set the value to close https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod-issues/issues/3038

relevant links: https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-cstrike15_src/blob/master/game/client/c_baseviewmodel.cpp#L340 https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-cstrike15_src/blob/master/game/client/c_baseanimating.cpp#L5967-L5969 prospective addition to ENT:SetCycle

robotboy655 commented 2 hours ago

Please explain how this would work and how it would solve the issue mentioned.

homonovus commented 1 hour ago

CS:GO uses this for its looping inspect animations, which simply jumps backwards into the same sequence repeatedly

i propose adding the m_fCycleOffset variable to the CBaseViewModel class, as well as the changes to CBaseAnimating, and a change to ENT:SetCycle that accommodate for viewmodels

using the animation event's code as the base for the change

    auto pEntity = Get_Entity(1);
    CBaseViewModel* pViewModel = assert_cast<CBaseViewModel>(pEntity);

    if (pViewModel)
        float flDesiredCycle = LUA->GetNumber(2);
        float flCycle = pViewModel->GetCycle();

        pViewModel->m_fCycleOffset += (pViewModel->GetCycle() - flCycle)

        return 0;
         // existing behavior