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Maps not updating in editor after recompile #7493

Open ScoutWozniak opened 6 days ago

ScoutWozniak commented 6 days ago

Describe the bug

When I compile a map in hammer, any map instances do not show the updated version until a restart. The only exception to this is some game objects are updated, but the geometry is not updated until the editor is restarted.

To Reproduce

  1. Compile a map
  2. Try and view the changes in the scene

Expected behavior

The map should be fully updated in the scene editor with the latest version.


No response

Additional context

No response

ScoutWozniak commented 6 days ago

Update: so it seems to be specifically for all maps in this project as compiling a map in an older project still updates it properly. I've attached the map file here in case it gives any information (though it seems to be project wide this time)


Nolankicks commented 5 days ago

Seems to only be for prefabs fyi

lolleko commented 5 days ago

Did this started happen recently or has it always been the case?

fantasticaneer commented 5 days ago

Did this started happen recently or has it always been the case?

It's been been an issue the whole time I've been trying to work on this project, but I don't recall if it was a problem in the past. And I think kicks is right that it only happens for maps that also happen to be referenced in a map instance component in an existing prefab?

lolleko commented 5 days ago

How long have you been working on your project😅 ?

Nolankicks commented 5 days ago

3-4 weeks

solwllms commented 4 days ago

Fixed a case where it wouldn't reload maps that had failed to load previously, but seems to be working ok otherwise with the map you attached and others.

Can you give it another whirl, and if you're still having trouble could you send the project if that's a reliable repro?

ScoutWozniak commented 4 days ago

Sadly its still not reloading, whats the best way to send over the project for you to take a look at it?