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Add SCSS operator support #7499

Open dotryen opened 1 week ago

dotryen commented 1 week ago

What can't you do?

I would like to do math on numbers in SCSS.

How would you like it to work?

Just like in SCSS. $example: 5 + 5; $example: 5 - 5; $example: 5 * 5; $example: math.div(5, 5);

What have you tried?

I've tried using the calc function but that doesnt seem to be implemented either. Math operators are just pasted into the rules instead of doing math.


$hudSkewStrength: 10deg;
$hudSkewFactor: 0.5;

$hudPresetSkewRight: rotateY($hudSkewStrength * -1) skewY($hudSkewStrength * $hudSkewFactor * -1);

$hudPresetSkewRight is literally pasted as a rule.


Additional context

No response

Retroeer commented 1 week ago

Don't think this will be added, the intention is probably just doing this in the razor code itself, e.g.

 <div class="ActivityFeed" style="transform: rotateY(@(SkewStrength * -1)deg) skewY(@(SkewStrength * SkewFactor * -1)deg)"></div>
     public const float SkewStrength = 10;
     public const float SkewFactor = 0.5f;
dotryen commented 1 week ago

Yeah it is possible to do it via razor but doing it in SCSS simplifies the process across multiple elements. I don't want to write an extra style attribute for every element I want to have these variables on when I'm already styling them in SCSS.