FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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[Warlock] [Pets] [PvP] - path finding is mesesd up for pets #1825

Open iluminatix opened 12 years ago

iluminatix commented 12 years ago

Issue: when on bridge in BeM arena, i had an oponent stand on the one pillar, while me and my pet where on the bridge, and i send pet to him, but the pets is so stupid it goes back and down from the bridge in its efforts to get to the guy on the pillar, instead of just going over the robe.

im pretty sure this happens other places too. but it fucks up arena, cus healer can sit on pillar and be safe from pet cus its so stupid

elorix commented 11 years ago

pathing is still a very big problem in warlock arena, happens especially often with a shift of z-axis or an object in the path

another thing is that pets try to take i direct way to melee attack a target, they even try to walk and hit trough objects. if the target is on the opposite side of the object the pet will just stand there and be out of range, doing nothing

3rd thing is when your pet kills a target, scenario: your pet is on follow on arena you send it to kill a totem via macro (ie /petattack [target=tremor totem]) your pet kills the totem and just stands in place instead of following you again

4th thing with pets: spamming an ability by buttons will trigger the pets gcd multiple times