Boths quests are not working, escorting is kinda glichy (he doest walks but teleports), but main issue it that quest not getting "complete" status when u deliver him to destination. Talking to NPC that turns in doesnt do anything, althoe quest giver said that he is "saved".
Report ID:3813
Reporter Name:Friendly
Date/Time: 12.06.2016
Error Severity:Significant
What type of error occurred?: Not working quest
What was the actual result vs. the expected result?: quest doest sets as "complete" upon finishing quests goal.
Can the error be repeated? If so, what are the steps?:Yes, it happens 100% cases.
Boths quests are not working, escorting is kinda glichy (he doest walks but teleports), but main issue it that quest not getting "complete" status when u deliver him to destination. Talking to NPC that turns in doesnt do anything, althoe quest giver said that he is "saved".
Report ID:3813
Reporter Name:Friendly
Date/Time: 12.06.2016
Error Severity:Significant
What type of error occurred?: Not working quest
What was the actual result vs. the expected result?: quest doest sets as "complete" upon finishing quests goal.
Can the error be repeated? If so, what are the steps?:Yes, it happens 100% cases.