Feodor2 / Mypal68

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Not Mypal issue, website side issue, #371 #371

Closed JeanPaulLucien closed 4 months ago

JeanPaulLucien commented 4 months ago
WebGL warning: <SetDimensions>: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL creation failed: 
* tryANGLE
* Exhausted GL driver options.
TypeError: GLctx is undefined

I still did not collect information to understand a reason.

jonm58 commented 4 months ago
WebGL warning: <SetDimensions>: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL creation failed: 
* tryANGLE
* Exhausted GL driver options.
TypeError: GLctx is undefined

I still did not collect information to understand a reason.

OpenGL driver lol

JeanPaulLucien commented 4 months ago

OpenGL driver lol

Do you mean a reason outside Mypal?

jonm58 commented 4 months ago

OpenGL driver lol

Do you mean a reason outside Mypal?

Yes,your Windows XP don't Have support (Direct3D 9)OpenGL ES 2.0 https://github.com/google/angle

JeanPaulLucien commented 4 months ago

This is strange. Other people say it requires hardware, my hardware is okay. https://superuser.com/questions/969935/opengl-2-1-or-higher-for-windows-xp

jonm58 commented 4 months ago

This is strange. Other people say it requires hardware, my hardware is okay. https://superuser.com/questions/969935/opengl-2-1-or-higher-for-windows-xp

Windows XP only support OpenGL 1.1

JeanPaulLucien commented 4 months ago
OpenGL version string: 3.3.0
OpenGL (software) version string: 1.1.0
jonm58 commented 4 months ago
OpenGL version string: 3.3.0
OpenGL (software) version string: 1.1.0

layers.prefer-opengl set true

ibmaxx82 commented 4 months ago

Have a look at issue #309 on the WebGL problem

JeanPaulLucien commented 4 months ago

Seems this is Firefox 53+ legacy:

disabled by default: Disabled by default
available by user: Enabled via layers.prefer-opengl
unavailable by default: Direct2D is not available on Windows XP
unavailable by env: Windows XP, Vista, and 7 Pre-SP1 cannot use the GPU process
opt-in by default: WebRender is an opt-in feature
blacklisted by env: No qualified hardware
Compositing OpenGL
WebGL 1 Driver WSI Info EGL_VENDOR: Google Inc. 
WebGL 1 Driver Renderer Google Inc. -- ANGLE (... Direct3D9 vs_3_0 ps_3_0)
WebGL 1 Driver Version  OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE

WebGL 2 Driver WSI Info -
WebGL 2 Driver Renderer WebGL creation failed: 
* tryANGLE
* Exhausted GL driver options.
JeanPaulLucien commented 4 months ago

Another low skill code websitel:

<canvas id="canvas" tabindex="0">
        HTML5 canvas appears to be unsupported in the current browser.<br>
        Please try updating or use a different browser.

I found that in HTML. This text is not visible.