Closed BruceMty closed 4 years ago
First thought the problem is caused by the time scheme. But found strange bug at Eigen Library and fixed it. Will be added on next commit.
Eigen::Matrix6d Ma_cg
Ma_cg(0,0) = -X_udot; Ma_cg(1,1) = -Y_vdot; Ma_cg(2,2) = -Z_wdot;
Ma_cg(3,3) = -K_pdot; Ma_cg(4,4) = -M_qdot; Ma_cg(5,5) = -N_rdot;
first iteration
[Msg] Ma_cg
1.96198 6.91911e-310 6.91908e-310 6.91912e-310 1.4822e-322 0
6.91911e-310 48.1908 6.91908e-310 6.91898e-310 1.22524e-314 6.91931e-310
6.91911e-310 6.91912e-310 48.1908 4.64366e-310 6.91911e-310 1.86757e-321
0 6.91908e-310 0 -0 6.91912e-310 0
6.91931e-310 1.91443e-316 6.91912e-310 1.93674e-321 8.38116 2.47033e-323
6.91931e-310 6.91908e-310 1.4822e-323 6.91919e-310 6.91911e-310 8.38116
next iteration
[Msg] Ma_cg
1.96198 -1.47819e-23 -2.85918e-24 3.16202e-322 8.48798e-314 3.16202e-322
0 48.1908 0 6.91911e-310 3.45846e-323 6.91911e-310
1.90867e-23 0.407361 48.1908 4.74303e-322 3.16202e-322 4.74303e-322
0 0 2.71736e-322 -0 2.76677e-322 -nan
-0.04075 -0.04075 1.01124e-313 4.94066e-324 8.38116 4.94066e-324
0 0 3.45846e-323 2.76677e-322 1.58101e-322 8.38116
Eigen::Matrix6d Ma_cg
-> Eigen::Matrix6d Ma_cg = Eigen::Matrix6d::Identity();
Sorry for the early incomplete merge. Merged 'revert' PR. How do I make this PR open again? P.S. seen compile error not having hector_gazebo_plugin resources
Two GPS approaches were evaluated: uuv_simulator and Hector. uuv_simulator provides a sensor plugin and Hector provides a model plugin. uuv_simulator publishes NavSatFix. Hector publishes location and velocity. I chose to work with Hector because it publishes more. I copied the Hector GPS code into our workspace and modified it to only publish when elevation >= -0.1 meters. Here are some details about the UUV and Hector implementations:
UUV: uuv_sensor_plugins/uuv_sensor_ros_plugins/src/ Sensor plugin
Hector: hector_gazebo/hector_gazebo_plugins/src/gazebo_ros_gps.cpp Model plugin
File urdf/glider_hybrid_whoi_base.xacro was modified to include file uw_gps_plugin.xacro which loads the UW GPS Model plugin.
To test: type these commands in each of three command windows:
roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch
roslaunch glider_hybrid_whoi_gazebo start_demo_teleop.launch joy_id:=0
rostopic echo glider_hybrid_whoi/fix
Then Raise the glider to an elevation >= -0.1 meters to see topic data.
Two topics are published when elevation >= -0.1:
Elevation is hardcoded in file glider_hybrid_whoi/hybrid_glider_gazebo_plugins/hybrid_glider_gazebo_ros_plugins/src/ If desired, we can change this to 0.0 or make it selectable.
Note: Usually, when attempting to start the glider, Gazebo fails with this message, even without this pull request: