/dvl/dvl/state (std_msgs/Bool): should be true as long as the DVL is active (can be activated and deactivated with the /dvl/dvl/change_state service).
/dvl/dvl (uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs/DVL): provides the current DVL-derived linear velocities (relative to the dvl_base_link, which is oriented forward-left-up) and covariance, perceived altitude above the bottom (computed as the average of the 4 individual sonar ranges), and the ranges and other information for the 4 individual DVL sonar beams.
/dvl/dvl_twist (geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped): provides the current DVL-derived linear velocities
/dvl/dvl_sonar0, /dvl/dvl_sonar1, /dvl/dvl_sonar2, and /dvl/dvl_sonar3 (sensor_msgs/Range): Range and other information for each individual DVL sonar
Tutorials for the sensor and water tracking features including seabed gradient
DVL sensor of
is added.Sensor specifications are defined at the
repository.Edited block to add the DVL sensor
Sensor specification
(std_msgs/Bool): should be true as long as the DVL is active (can be activated and deactivated with the /dvl/dvl/change_state service)./dvl/dvl
(uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs/DVL): provides the current DVL-derived linear velocities (relative to the dvl_base_link, which is oriented forward-left-up) and covariance, perceived altitude above the bottom (computed as the average of the 4 individual sonar ranges), and the ranges and other information for the 4 individual DVL sonar beams./dvl/dvl_twist
(geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped): provides the current DVL-derived linear velocities/dvl/dvl_sonar0, /dvl/dvl_sonar1, /dvl/dvl_sonar2, and /dvl/dvl_sonar3
(sensor_msgs/Range): Range and other information for each individual DVL sonarTutorials for the sensor and water tracking features including seabed gradient
https://github.com/Field-Robotics-Lab/dave/wiki/whn_dvl_examples https://github.com/Field-Robotics-Lab/dave/wiki/DVL-Water-Tracking https://github.com/Field-Robotics-Lab/dave/wiki/DVL-Seabed-Gradient
How to test