FinDeckDao /

Web3 Financial Decision Support Service by FinDeckDao.
MIT License
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To learn more before you start working with, see the following documentation available online:

Development Overview

It's worth taking the time to review this documentation to get an overview of the core development tool used called DFX.

Backend Development

Frontend Development

Join the Conversation

The group building this project can be reached here on the FindeckDao OpenChat.

Following the next two steps makes it easier to interact with the rest of the group. Because it helps us all to understand that work is being done, we encourage everyone to share updates on completed work gets posted in our chat.

System Dependencies for Development

NOTE: These notes assume MacOS as the development environment. If you want to develop on a different platform please share notes on how to do it for others here once you understand the process.


Please be sure git is installed.

brew install git

Check to be sure nvm is installed correctly.

git --version

You should see a value equal to or greater than git version 2.46.0.

Node Version Manager

Please install node version manager.

brew install nvm

Check to be sure nvm is installed correctly.

nvm --version

You should see a value equal to or greater than 0.40.0.

If you see the message “command not found: nvm”, please follow the instructions and return to this step.


Please install the latest stable version of NodeJS.

nvm install stable

Check to be sure NodeJS is installed correctly.

node --version

You should see a value equal to or greater than v22.6.0.

Motoko Development Server

Please install motoko development server globally. If you need more information, here are some docs related the motoko development server.

npm install -g mo-dev

Check to be sure mo-de is installed correctly.

mo-dev --version

You should see a value equal to or greater than mo-dev 0.13.0.

Clone Repository

Clone this repository to a directory on your local machine (usually ~/Repos).

cd ~/Repos
git clone

Confirm this was done correctly buy entering the repository.

ls -alh

You should see a listing that contains a file named package.json.

Install Dependencies

Run the dependency installer.

npm install

Confirm this was completed successfully.

npm ls

You should see a tree output that looks something like this. /Users/<YourUserName>/Repos/
├── @testing-library/user-event@14.5.2 extraneous
├── async@3.2.5 extraneous
├─┬ frontend@0.0.0 -> ./src/frontend
│ ├── @dfinity/agent@1.4.0

Running Project Locally

Start the Dfinity Execution Environment (DFX).

  1. Open a Terminal Tab
  2. From the root directory (it should be ~/Repos/ start up the canister environment. This environment is similar to a docker container (but it is not powered by docker).
  3. Leave the terminal open.

The following command runs the script called "dfx" inside of package.json.

npm run dfx

If you see the message “command not found: dfx”, install the dfx using following command and close the shell:

sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"

Confirm this went correctly by checking the output. You should end up with something that looks like this. But the port number will likely be different.

npm run dfx

> dfx
> dfx start --clean --host

Running dfx start for version 0.20.1
Using project-specific network 'local' defined in /Users/jfgrissom/Repos/
Initialized replica.
Dashboard: http://localhost:52554/_/dashboard

Got to the dashboard (in the above example http://localhost:52554/_/dashboard) and you should see a webpage that looks like a basic dashboard has an empty area for running canisters.

Compile and Deploy the existing canisters.

  1. Open a second Terminal Tab
  2. From the root directory (it should be ~/Repos/ deploy the containers.
  3. Leave the terminal open.
npm run deploy

You can check to be sure this deployed correctly by checking the dashboard (http://localhost:53418/_/dashboard) and you'll see canisters have been deployed.

Additionally you'll see http addresses for your canisters in the output that looks similar to this.

Frontend canister via browser
      - http://bd3sg-teaaa-aaaaa-qaaba-cai.localhost:8000/
      - http://be2us-64aaa-aaaaa-qaabq-cai.localhost:8000/
  Backend canister via Candid interface:

If you can see the frontend in a browser using either of the two frontend addresses then you are all set to do local development.

Rapid Development

To make changes quickly you need to start some additional watchers to compile your changes quickly once you save files.

  1. In the second terminal window startup mo-dev npm run dev:backend.
  2. In a third terminal window startup vite npm run dev:frontend

At this point you should have 3 terminals open.

  1. Terminal 1 running the DFX Network (running http://localhost:53418/_/dashboard).
  2. Terminal 2 running mo-dev (running [mo-dev] deploy backend on the command line).

Simple Development LifeCycle

  1. Checkout a new branch git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Redeploy npm run deploy.
  4. Review your changes to make sure they do what you expect (please write tests to be sure others don't break your functionality in the future).
  5. Push your branch to github git push.
  6. Request a pull request (AKA: merge request) in github.
  7. Notify other developers in our OpenChat Community for a review and a merge of the change into the main branch.

Generating an asset Index

A searchable index is being created every time you run npm run start. There is a large list of assets a user could chose from so this gets pre-index.

When changes are made to src/frontend/src/lib/icons/coins.json you can run it manually with npm run generate-index.


If you have made changes to your backend canister, you can generate a new candid interface with

npm run generate

at any time. This is recommended before starting the frontend development server, and will be run automatically any time you run dfx deploy.

If you are making frontend changes, you can start a development server with

npm start

Which will start a server at http://localhost:8080, proxying API requests to the replica at port 4943.

Note on Frontend environment variables

If you are hosting frontend code somewhere without using DFX, you may need to make one of the following adjustments to ensure your project does not fetch the root key in production: