FishYuLi / BalancedGroupSoftmax

CVPR 2020 oral paper: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-tail Object Detection with Balanced Group Softmax.
Apache License 2.0
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A simple question regarding design choice of BAGS #3

Closed hdjang closed 4 years ago

hdjang commented 4 years ago

Hi Thanks for sharing your wonderful project.

I have a simple question regarding design choice of BAGS. It would be appreciated if you would answer.

Q) Why didn't you try normalizing weight norm of classifier instead of grouping the category in the paper? Have you ever tested it before?

FishYuLi commented 4 years ago

@hdjang Thanks for the good words.

(1) We tried to normalize weights after training following t-norm, the results of which are presented as Model(12)(13) in both our paper and README. The details are in supp 1.2.t-normalization. Though we tried many ways to do this normalization, the results are not very good yet. (2) However, we haven't tried to use weight normalization during training. And we are now working on it :) .