FlameSpyro / Cyber-Security-Survival-Kit

This is my official capstone repository discussing and including the proper information and downloads for The Cyber Security Survival Kit project.
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Meet with professor on reality check, changes, plan to ensure project is complete #14

Closed FlameSpyro closed 6 months ago

FlameSpyro commented 6 months ago

After our meeting I have decided that its best for one last shift in the project. The environment will be toned down to a single attack and defend machine.

All new objectives are in place for sprint 3 and the others have been moved back to their original sprint 2 as I don't feel its right to delete old progress and documentation. They will however be marked as closed they way they are.

FlameSpyro commented 6 months ago


I walked in with a conflict from this sprint. My security Onion centered environment has fully been set up and running but what I didn't realize or did not find during my research was that the amount of space and hardware requirements for it to function didn't work at all for my intended audience.

Furthermore, my environment was still going off of the blueprints from the early concepts of my original project meaning it was more of a simple enterprise environment rather than matching my audience of "Users who know the basic fundamentals of using a computer but have no idea how to defend themselves online". This was the main topic of my meeting.

There was two main routes that I could go with:

  1. Keep the current environment and alter the audience to more enterprise based. This would alter the paperwork and extra material that would come with my environment.
  1. Simplify the environment to keep the audience. Keep the original plan for material and extra pieces.

After breaking these down and with guidance from my professor, I decided to jump on the second option. This will set me back a bit but now I have a much better direction for what I want. Also, he helped me breakdown what to start with. For the remainder of this sprint I will be looking for 3 subjects under 3 different aspects of security. These have been properly planned out and ready to be worked on in sprint 3 which have comments like this.

Finally, my professor is going to help me stay on top of my project to help me ensure this gets finished and that I don't stray too far from my plans. Overall, this was a very important meeting for the project and marks most likely the last major shift in my project. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but as long as work step by step, this project will be completed.