Flaxbeard / ImmersivePetroleum

Oil and oil processing for Immersive Engineering
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Fix distillation tower fluid void bug [1.12] #235

Closed voidsong-dragonfly closed 3 years ago

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago
TwistedGate commented 3 years ago

Darn, if i had seen this earlier i would've also liked that in the release that happend not too long ago for 1.16.5 lol

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago

I only saw it because I had a recipe for fluid cracking with the tower + the refinery that returned distilled water. Or, well, should have returned distilled water + the cracked fluid (steam cracking) so I could reboil it, other than the fact that it just.... wasn't returning distilled water at all. Then I was wondering where on Earth the distilled water was going, before realizing the tower was voiding it and finding the bug.

TwistedGate commented 3 years ago

Alright, well if you want to you could also make a PR over on my repo for this too. I'll merge this, been thinking about doing a final 1.12.2 release maybe and then calling it good with 1.12.2 myself

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago

Ooooh, nice on the final for 1.12 if it happens. Yeah, I can make the PR for your repo too. 1.12 I assume?

TwistedGate commented 3 years ago

1.16.5 but it shouldnt be much different

voidsong-dragonfly commented 3 years ago

Yeah, it shouldn't be. I'll take a look now. Thanks for the clarification.