After you install dokku 0.5.x and this plugin, dokku's help gets truncated.
ssh dokku@ help
Usage: dokku [--quiet|--trace|--rm-container|--rm|--force] COMMAND <app> [command-specific-options]
Primary help options, type "dokku COMMAND:help" for more details, or dokku help --all to see all commands.
apps List your apps
checks Show zero-downtime status
config Display all global or app-specific config vars
docker-options Display app's Docker options for all phases (or comma separated phase list)
domains List domains
enter Connect to a specific app container
events Show the last events (-t follows)
help Print the list of commands
logs Show the last logs for an application
ls Pretty listing of deployed applications and containers
plugin Print active plugins
proxy Show proxy for app
ps List processes running in app container(s)
run Run a command in the environment of an application
shell Spawn dokku shell
tags List all app image tags
trace Enable dokku tracing
url Show the first URL for an application (compatibility)
urls Show all URLs for an application
version Print dokku's version
Community plugin commands:
apps:link <app-source> <app-target> Set in <app-target> variable APP_SOURCE_NAME_URL with access url
apps:unlink <app-source> <app-target> Unset in <app-target> APP_SOURCE_NAME_URL
mongo:clone <name> <new-name> Create container <new-name> then copy data from <name> into <new-name>
mongo:connect <name> Connect via telnet to a MongoDB service
mongo:create <name> Create a MongoDB service
mongo:destroy <name> Delete the MongoDB service and stop its container if there are no links left
mongo:export <name> Export a dump of the MongoDB service database
mongo:expose <name> [port] Expose a MongoDB service on custom port if provided (random port otherwise)
mongo:import <name> < <file> Import a dump into the MongoDB service database
mongo:info <name> Print the connection information
mongo:link <name> <app> Link the MongoDB service to the app
mongo:list List all MongoDB services
mongo:logs <name> [-t] Print the most recent log(s) for this service
mongo:promote <name> <app> Promote service <name> as MONGO_URL in <app>
mongo:restart <name> Graceful shutdown and restart of the MongoDB service container
mongo:start <name> Start a previously stopped MongoDB service
mongo:stop <name> Stop a running MongoDB service
mongo:unexpose <name> Unexpose a previously exposed MongoDB service
mongo:unlink <name> <app> Unlink the MongoDB service from the app
psql:admin_console Launch a postgresql console as admin user
psql:console <app> Launch a postgresql console for <app>
psql:create <app> Create a Postgresql database for <app>
psql:delete <app> Delete Postgresql database for <app>
psql:dump <app> > <filename.dump> Dump <app> database to PG dump format
psql:link <source> <target> Link <source> app DB to <target> app
psql:list List all databases
psql:restart Restart the Postgresql docker container
psql:restore <app> < <filename.*> Restore database to <app> from any non-plain-text format exported by pg_dump
column: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
After you install dokku 0.5.x and this plugin, dokku's help gets truncated.